Assalamu alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa baraktuh, my family member who is a muslim has a "marriage"with an atheist woman. Last time i talked with him i asked how his wife is. Now im afraid that im a kafir because acknowledging something thats haram as halal is kufr. What should i do?
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I have 2 daughters from.first marriage and they live with there mother. My elder daughter is 12 year old who insist me to.visit her in there home her mother is not my wife so can I visit there house . My current wife don't want me to go there house and always get angry when I.visited my children as she feel.very Insecured . Please reply as I don't want.. More
Salam Alaykom wa Rahmatullahi w barakatu,I'll try to make this as short as possible. I got into a car accident 10 years ago and I shattered my vertebrae, alhamdulillah I can still walk fine, but I do take medication for nerve damage and pain. The girl I want to marry (a relative) knows about this problem and does not see an issue with it. The parents,.. More
My husband and I got into an arguement via text. We were both mad at each other and our emotions got the best of us. He kept telling me to ask him for a khula and so I did. He then sent a voicenote saying that I was released and that he accepts my khula. Him telling me to ask for it, me then asking for it, and him then accepting it was all done out.. More
My husband said in extreme anger that he is giving me talaq but when he calmed down he told me that wasn’t his intention and that he doesn’t want our marriage to break I just wanted to know if it counts because from reading other fatwa it says the wording giving is a metaphor, I would really appreciate if you could help me clear this matter..
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As Salam Alaykum, Shaikh i use Instagram only to consume Islamic content, but lately I have been getting these ads of book astrologer, consult astrologer. Can I use the platform anymore? I don’t know why they are recommending me this filth. I never had any activity related to it. Jazak Allahu Khayran
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What is the status of the following hadith? The hadith is as follows, Musnad Ahmad 16245—[Mua’wiya said]: "I saw the prophet sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)". Christians use this hadith to say that Prophet.. More
My husband and I have been married for 9 months and he wants to delay pregnancy for 2 years until his youngest of three children from his previous marriage is almost 5 years old. He says it's already a big responsibility and he fears the kids may feel neglected with a new baby around. I am 32 years old and long to have a baby while I am still fairly.. More
Assalamu alaikum. I'm an undergrad Physics student from India. Alhamdulillah, my subject helps me ponder upon Allah's creation, His greatness and magnificence. My aim is to study physics deeply and pursue research as that would enable me to appreciate the creation of this universe and to ponder over Qur'anic verses which talk about space and physics,.. More
I have committed zina with my now husband before marriage. I have not repented before marrying him. But now, after 2 years of marriage, I feel so ashamed of my sin and have repented to Allah. Is my marriage invalid? Should I remarry before planning for kids ?
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ASA,I have been married for 11 years Alhumdullah, I do not go out from my house until my husband takes me out.i am a full time housewive,I had a daughter and a son who are school husband is a good man my only question is that after accepting all my husbands command and doing the house chores (I do not have a maid) ,fulfilling all my duty for.. More