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5673 fatwas

  • Suitor Seeing the Fiancée Through Video Call in Presence of Her Parents

    Assalaamu'alaikum ,I need a very urgent response please.a marriage proposal has come for a girl , both families are interested but the boy's family wants the girl to have a video call with the boy in the presence of her parents so that he can see her before finalizing the proposal as they live in different countries and can't physically visit each other's.. More

  • Non-Muslim Man who Has Good Character Wants to Marry Her

    marrying a non muslim mansalam,I have been proposed by a non muslim man. He doesnt practise any religion but has good character . He wants to Live by the will of Allah swt and follow his guidelines but wont take the Sahadah. Could you please answer this question for me? .. More

  • Unclear Question about Marriage and Bridal Money

    Assalamu alaikum,May Allah reward you and wherever my answer would come from. early last year, i found a muslim sister whom i loved to marry due to her practicing of the deen, but i had some financial challenges and i had no home but she insisted that she needs nikkah and the dowry was placed for me, i couldnt afford all at that time, so i paid out.. More

  • Was Forced to Marry and Her Husband Cannot Join Her Except After Years

    salam, i got my nikkah done last year to man that i have never met before, i was unsure but due to family pressre i agreed. after the nikkah i spoke to the man a few times and realised that this is not how i see my future partner to be. the culture is different, he is a few years older and wants kids right now and i don't at the moment and i am not.. More

  • Appointing a Woman to Become Proxy in Marrying Herself Off

    Brother Assalaamu Alaykum I have some questions about proxy marriage they are 1) Can woman become proxy according to shafi school? 2) Can woman's father appoint his own daughter as proxy of her own marriage? 3) if a marriage is conducted with woman herself as proxy of her marriage and no or single witness is it even considered marriage? what's ruling? .. More

  • Hayam Is Not Among the Good Names

    Assalamualikum..i named my baby girl "hayaam" it good name?what is the meaning in arabic.and whats the name "hiyam"means.. .. More

  • Fell in Love with the Wife of His Brother In-Law

    Salams. I have been married 7 years. but my wife quite abusive and even aborted our first baby. We now have a baby boy. she has no patience with kids and has never treated my mother kindly. I have recently fallen in love with my wives brother's wife. and i wish to marry her. and have her in my life in a halal manner. Please advice. jazakallah .. More

  • Conducting Marriage Via Video Call

    Assalamu alaikum. I have seen your fatawa regarding conducting a marriage over the phone. However, would conducting a marriage via video-call be permissible? This way, the people involved could see each other and avoid impersonators, insha'Allah. If this is, in fact, permissible, what are some conditions that should be kept in mind for such a marriage? .. More

  • Said to His Wife ‘I'll Divorce You’ and ‘You are free’

    I said to my wife that I'll divorce you, meri taraf se farigh ho tum (you are free of me). Tell him you are single. is this a divorce. The sareeh statement clearly shows that I was threatening her with the divorce in future, the implicit words just came. I probably meant like we are done etc with the implicit statement. The last sentence I remember.. More

  • Wants To Name His New-Born Baby-Boy Abdul Arhan

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullah !Recently blessed with a baby boy and I desire to name him Syed Abdul Arhaan Hussain Shah. Some say Arhaan is not acceptable name and cannot name after Abdul. Kindly guide on this. Jazakallah khair ! .. More

  • Said a Vulgar Word when Referring to Marriage

    AsalamualaykumI want to ask you about something I said long time ago which I just remembered and I’m ashamed ofAbout 10Years ago I joked to a freind we need to get some “halal pussy (vagina) . Pussy is slang for vagina. Is this kufr and do I need to renew my nikkah. Please could you answer with direct reply rather than past example. I would never.. More

  • Uncle’s Wife Is Not a Mahram to the Person

    Assalamualaikum . Please,Please answer this question. My grandfather has no own brother but 3 half brother . Now my question is that is wife of my grandfather's half brothers my mahram . Please answer this question .. More

  • Refused Many Proposals Then Got Married but Is Unhappy

    ‎السلام عليكمI was born in the USA but moved to Egypt as a teenager I struggled I barely scraped along in school and had no friends My dad no longer wants to live in the US but his dream is for me to get married and build a life there I felt like I was not ready so Ive rejected a lot of proposals I felt pressured so I said yes to the most.. More

  • Naming the Child after the Father’s Name

    Is it permissible to name a child after the father only for that reason? For example, if the father is named Ali, can the son be named Ali, only because it is the father’s name, and not because of anything else? .. More

  • Characteristics to Ask about the Fiancee

    Assalamu alaikum. I am currently looking for a sister to marry, and physical qualities are very important to me. What sort of questions may I ask the Wali to gain an understanding of the sister's condition in this regard? May I ask about things such as her general attractiveness, height, weight, hair color, skin tone, etc.? .. More