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5673 fatwas

  • A Muslim woman's marriage to a non-Muslim man is prohibited according to scholarly consensus

    Assallamu Allaikum.. I'm a reverted muslimah who is being with non parents to make them understand Islam. However I say they are refusing it and looking a non-Muslim guy for me. recently i came to know about Zynab(RA) marriege. I read out this "Zainab (R.A.) was the eldest daughter of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) and was born in the fifth year of his marriage.. More

  • Her husband said to her "It is over, I am going to send the divorce papers to you"

    Aslamualakum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu brother, I have a question about my personal situation pertaining to divorce. I was forced into an arranged engagement since I was 15, I willingly went to Pakistan for a short trip and got married because his mother was dying when I was almost 19 back in 2012. I came back to the U.S. without consummating the.. More

  • Her husband treats her unjustly and wants to take a third wife

    Assalamu'aleikum! My husband passed away leaving me with three children. I am married now to a man who lives abroad with his first wife and children. After more than three years he still doesn't provide me with accommodation though it was mentioned in our marriage contract.I am staying in my deceased husband's house with my orphans who have come of.. More

  • Seeking divorce from an addict husband who commits major sins

    As salaam aleikum My friend has a problem with her husband and wonder what to do. They have been married 12 years and have three children. When they married she was warned that he wasn't good but she didn't believe it. After her first child got born she started to notice that he used drugs. He is still using. Then she discovered all his girlfriends... More

  • Marrying a non-Muslim woman who does not belong to the people of the Book

    Salam Aleikum, I am a muslim living in Europe for many years, I knew a Christian girl, but she was following the model of her culture: drinking, smoking, having a boy friend... After I met her, I was talking to her about all matters of life and afterlife, She became convainced of many things, She stopped drinking, smoking, dressing style... The most.. More

  • Ruling on taking another wife if one's mother refuses

    I wrote to you previously about the ruling on having more than one wife (No. 2499345) and you said many scholars believed it is better to have only one wife. Therefore this time I am writing to you with my full specific situation, for which I seek a ruling. I am a 29 year old married businessman. I have come to know of and proposed to a widow with two.. More

  • Ruling on attending a school that bans Hijab

    I go to a an-all girls school where I'm not allowed to wear my hijjab. When I asked my parents to get me out, they refused saying that you'll face even more fitna learning in a mixed school. But I'm worried that I'll be sinning by not wearing the hijjab in front of my male teachers. Should I continue learning in that school? .. More

  • Separation does not affect a valid marriage

    I would be very appreciating for your help on this matter: 1. My wife and I performed Nikkah in 2003, followed by a walleema (celebration in front of friends and family) 2. Hamdouli’l”Allah, Allah, blessed us with 2 beautiful kids. 3. My wife filed for dissolution of Marriage (divorce) in an American court. The court found No valid marriage took.. More

  • Ruling on establishing milk banks in Muslim countries

    Dear Brother We are group of volunteers consists of Law attorneys, gynecology, neonatologists, pediatrics, family physicians, nurses and social workers, worried about maternal and infant mortality rate in Pakistan because United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has notified that the biggest challenge for Pakistan, right now, is the high infant mortality.. More

  • She is engaged to a Muslim man who has two children out of wedlock

    I am marring a Muslim man and im non Muslim. He has two children from a Muslim woman he never married. When we first met he told me he has never been married and he has no children. He later told me that the woman was his dead brother's wife. And the children were his dead brothers. After being.engaged 8 months, because I refused to marry him til he.. More

  • Divorcing the wife before the consummation of marriage

    i did nikkah to widow and gave her three talaqs one by one due to some unfavorable conditions before having intercourse with her however i had sex to some extent with her. can i remarry to her .. More

  • A man is not obligated to inform his wife about second marriage

    I want to ask a serious question this question is life and death for me I want to say that everything in Islam is perfect and has its own reasons even four marriages in islam has its reasons and history. I know that a man can surely marry without the permission of his wife but can he marry without informing her? if yes, then it is like he liked any.. More

  • A husband should not overburden his wife with what is beyond her ability

    I am a nuring mother and this is my first baby. My baby is 2 months old. I feel very depressed and lonely. My husband tells me that I should have time to cook food for him. I don't have any help and I am alone with the baby. I am not able to have time to cook food. It is difficult for me to even eat all day because of the baby. If I had time I would.. More

  • Uncle complicates his niece's marriage proposal from a new Muslim

    assalaumualikum. a sister has got a proposal from a good practising muslim should we deal with this.? the boy's family has aslo conveted to islam about 9 years back.what advice would you give to someone who acts superior over the converts? the proposal has already been accepted and the girl's family really likes the boy and there is only.. More

  • Her husband refuses to have sex with her because he does not love her

    Assalamoalaikum....I got married last year in the month of February. Between nikaah and rukhsati there was a gap of two months as we used to live in different countries. In this gap, we both developed feelings for each other and loved each other and were in contact via phone calls and video calls. Even we got intimate during this time though not physically.. More