My question is similar to Fatwa No : 83788...I got married to my cousin (his mother is my Fufu and my cousin is 6 years elder than me) in 2010 and i have 1year and two months a baby boy. The reason is that when my cousin at the age of three days old my real mother take own milk for drink to him only one time without permission of my aunt (fufu), but.. More
I have saved around 23000 dollars, quit my job as an IT project manager and I will migrate to Australia within 2 weeks as I don't have the right to remain in the country where I live currently (Saudi Arabia) permanently and the situation in my home country (Sudan) is very bad. This amount will allow me to stay there for 6 months. My question is,,,,should.. More
We had a maid in our house who used to stay overnight.One day my mother went to her father's house.there was only me,my father and the maid in our house.after dinner we asked the maid to bring water.the maid did and after drinking water me and my father fell asleep in different beds.when I woke up it was 9 am in the morning.i saw we 3 i.e. Father,me,maid.. More
hello sir.. i am a muslim living in india.. and as the world have gone cruel and is destroying marriage constitution everywhere.. i have this question. In inida you cannot divorce according to The Muslim law or quran and hadees. However if your wife is not cruel to you.. she may allow you to divorce under muslim law in which you will pay her maintenance.. More
Assalam-aalaikum, I married a person who initiated this proposal. My parents married me to him but with disapproval and are unhappy. Their reason is far away distances and cultural differences which I too feel now. I am now not able to get along with this person although I am attached to him. It has been 6 years now and two kids. He supports financially.. More
As salamu alaikom. i do FEAR so much from marriage (bcz of my divorced parents, imtihans we gave so hard with my alcoholic father.. and some bad couples -even islamic ones- around..all got huge area in my memory since my childhood. i was even dreaming to get my job then living single and with educating an orphan girl with me!) i am student. but not.. More
As salamu alaykum! My husband is supporting his parents and a brother who is unemployed. And he has loans before i married him. That is why i volunteered to help in the finances as i am working. However he has a sister who is married ( and i must say is better off than we are because her husband provides her with everything i.e. flat, tutor for the.. More
I am a husband, suffering from diabetes. I last four years my potency gradually came down and now it reached on 5-10% only. I am not able to fulfill her sexual requirements. I feel that it is unjustice with her! I would like to know that in this case can I allow her to have sexual relation with other man or Can I shut my eye and let her have sexual.. More
Is it permissible to name a baby boy 'Noah' with the common English spelling and pronunciation? Or must it be 'Nooh' or 'Nuh' to correspond to the Arabic pronunciation? .. More
I am a revert to islam. This question is in two parts. Shortly after we married, my wife tripped over an uneven part of the pavement and fractured her knee. A particularly conservative lady phoned her to state that she would visit her that evening - provided that I was not home; thereby throwing me out of my own home when all I wanted to do is relax.. More
As a revert I want to cover my face and eyes when unrelated men are around. How small should any eye slit (before eye screening veils are dropped) be? Is it correct that both upper and lower eye lashes are not visible in the slit? Is it ok to deliberately restrict my field and clarity of vision (as long as I "can still see the way" - but with difficulty)?.. More
As Sallam Alikum. I am newly married. My wife went to the home country to visit her mom as according to her she is seriously ill and she took the permission from me for few days. We used to talk on phone and one day we discussed the topic on the today's generation boyfriends and girlfriends meetings in private and doing zina. So she said its ok everyone.. More
As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I have a question in regards traveling without mahram. I live in a part of the world where many women travel alone, and are raped, murdered and kidnapped on a regular basis. Despite this many Muslim women in this area travel alone, even those who have mahram to go with them. A sister recently argued.. More
Salaam Alaikum. I have a question about Fatwa 137526. Can you please tell me when Muslim scholars arrived at the conclusion that the minimum length of gestation is 6 months, did Uthman and Ali decide this? Is minimum length of gestation the time a child can be born alive with or without technology. Thank you. .. More