I read a Fatwa stating that it is impermissible to be alone with a non-Mahram woman even if there is no sexual desire. However, I also read that ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, used to visit a blind old woman who used to live alone at her home. He used to go there to clean her house, prepare food for her and other needs. Is.. More
I know a religious girl and promised her that I will marry her in the future, because I am short of money right now. I give her recorded Islamic lessons and do not talk with her a lot. What is the viewpoint of Sharee‘ah in this case?
May Allaah Reward you. .. More
There is a tribe in Chad that has the habit of preventing the marriage of cousins, and there is a man from this tribe who wanted to marry his cousin, but his father did not approve of that marriage, following the customs and traditions of the tribe. What should the son do? Please advise us. May Allaah reward you... More
I married a man and after a period of time we encountered some problems and I asked for divorce, but I was shocked when he told me that our marriage contract was forged. Am I going to be held accountable by Allaah for this, given that I had no idea that the marriage contract was forged? What is the punishment for such a husband? .. More
A short time ago, I got engaged to a young man for seven months, during which we concluded the wedding contract with the help of a marriage official. Later, we broke up our engagement. Recently, we decided to return to each other. We went to the marriage official who said: “This is impermissible, and this (disengagement) is considered a first (pronouncement.. More
Grand Shaykh: my sister is married and is now pregnant and cannot endure the smell of her house and her husband. She does not go to her house; is there any sin on her?.. More
Is there a Sharee‘ah text about the prohibition of women leaving their homes late after ‘Ishaa’ prayer? If there is not any, what is the opinion of Muslim scholars in this regard? Can I have detailed information on this subject, please?
Thank you... More
My husband compels me to deal with his brother-in-law who drinks alcohol. I do not like to visit the sister of my husband because of this reason. However, I treat his sister and her children well, but I do not want to deal with her husband. Is this considered disobedience to my husband’s demand?.. More
I am 23 years old and my husband is 32 years old. We married after a nice love story under the supervision of our families. After the engagement party we had an Islamic wedding. However, after the passage of two years everything changed; it is as if we hate each other and do not agree on anything, even if it is small. The matter worsened to an extent.. More
I am a Muslim man who fears Allaah and observes the daily prayers. However, there was a woman who tempted me so I sat with her in seclusion and kissed her. When I kissed her, I felt that her face changed and became like the face of my sister. So, I was shocked. Please advise... More
I am a young married man and I have no children. I live abroad and my wife lives in another country to complete her study. I am dissatisfied with this because I am alone and I fear doing something unlawful. What is the solution? May Allaah Reward you.
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Someone got married and paid a lot of money as a dowry and registered this in the contract. Later, he knew that this dowry was not given to the bride. What should he do?.. More