as-salamu aleykum. My father and other family members do not prioritize me marrying practising men. They think that these people mostly trick others with their religiosity and I was wondering if it is permissible for me to marry a brother that is not as practising as me with the condition that he does not pervent me from learning more about my deen.. More
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah Sheikh. I have a question on the staying in same house with a brother in law who is 15 years old same small house, are there any exceptions for his stay? Thank you
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Assalaam o Alaikum. Can we give our baby girl the name "Zukhruf" like in 'Surah Al-Zukhru'? The Arabic word has different meanings, and I heard that it also means "(Pure Gold, A thing of real and unalterable value, Richest, Wealth, Decoration)". If yes, then can you please tell me all its possible meanings? May Allaah reward you.I'm waiting for your.. More
Respected Allama Sahib.I married a girl whose past I was unaware of. Despite meeting all the necessities after marriage, she was in a relationship with another boy behind the scenes. I came to know about it a few days later. Due to the notoriety in the family, I wanted to keep it a secret. I talked openly with the girl's parents but they also seemed.. More
If husband and wife did fornication before there marriage and repented. Now the husband accusing wife for previous jina with him. 1)Can this accusation need lian?2)if husband did fornication and said wife about that,can the woman do lian against his husband that her husband does fornication ,like a husband take oath against his wife? Please answer according.. More
Assalaamoe aleykum, Last year I met a man who was also a muslim, but like me got out of the way and was not practising anymore. We decided to marry with the promise that we would support each other in the islamic way and get straight again. On the day of the planned marriage I found out that I am pregnant. And now I am the mother of a beautiful child... More
Assalamu alaikum.
Now I got a baby boy.
We are choosing the name is
Yousuf Rahman.
Some body people's telling
Keep Mohamed Yousuf or Abdul Rahman. Don't choose Yousuf rahman.
That's way am confused.
Please give solutions.
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Asslamuaalaikom. I would like to know if I am allowed to marry a girl who committed zina once in her life. I know that she is so sorry for what she has done, and know for a fact that she asks allah for forgiveness. I love this girl very much and as a young man (20) i want to get married to prevent myself from making the same mistake. Jazakaaalah
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Aslam u Alaikum,
Dear sheikh I had 2 divorces already. Then I had a khul from my husband. says khul is not a divorce and I can go back to my husband, but after new marriage contract. My father had no objection on my going back to my husband. Rather my father wanted my husband and I to go back together. Now, my husband and I had nikah but.. More
As- salaamu 'alaykum! I really need help. Please reply me! I'm describing all that happened to me.It's happened about 1 years ago, One day I had a big fight and argument with my husband through Facebook massenger. He became so furious, used a lots off bad words that I can't even tell you and at one point of argument he texted me divorce. But when, I.. More
One brother read on the islamqa website how to deal with a disobedient wife it said scare her with one talaq so he thought that meant u can scare and it won’t count so he done so now he’s found out it counts regardless of intention he didn’t understand that the website is only in courageing this if you have know previous talaq please what is the.. More
If husband gives three irrevocable talak to wife but want to get her back and arrange tahleel marriage to get her my question is 1: as a result he arrange the marriage, will he become unlawful for his ex wife permanently? Or he can remarry her after a valid marriage and divorce of his ex wife. Please answer according to 4madhab in islam.
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فصل ب?ن المصل?ن بسبب الامراض المعدية
Due to Corona virus is a pandemic (Waba) that spreads due to close contact between people. The world health organization and other organizations working for human safety have directed people to observe social distancing. Is it not better to keep distance among people standing in suf.. More
Sheikh, I married a woman who was married with another man, he divorced her at her request. Now I have 3 children with that lady. Question is have I done unjustice with my wife's ex-housband? Or I have to divorce her now and return her to his ex housband?
Second question is: I was 21 years old I had a sexual relationship with a woman who was happily.. More