Aoa wr wb... me and my bf have been together for more than 1 year... he has sworn on Allah to marry me... but when he spoke to his parents, he came to know that 12 years ago his parents have given commitment elsewhere for his marriage... according to islam, what is he supposed to do? Maintain his promise with me or leave me to marry the girl chosen.. More
Askm its a year i am married and due to insecurities i've developed mental illness and been very possesive to my husband. in process, out of my illness i've abused him and his family but immediately repented, i've done so cause even they were pressurising and hurting me. He loves me but they want to seperate us. now they have asked me to be 3-4months.. More
Assalam walekumI want to know if my nikkah is still valid or the divorce has taken place.Ive been married for 15 years and have 2 kids.My wife and i always fight and during those fights i have said i am giving you talaq. I never said talaq 3x in one sitting. So i gave talaq then i did riju and then we got into arguement again next month lets say and.. More
There is a fatwa of Ibn Qudaamah which states that if a husband says to his wife, "Israh" (you may leave), then this counts as an explicit statement of divorce. Now, previously I had said to my wife, "Get out" (but not with the intention of divorcing her). We know that an imperative statement of divorce does not count without the intention being there... More
2: if husband and wife do lian in house without anyone's knowledge and without witness can it make them permanently forbidden to each other, please give answer according to 4madhab in islam. But they want to remain married each other, but did it for ignorance.. More
Al Salam Alkium, I am really confused. We always hear that it is a grave sin for the wife refusing intemacy for no reason but I have never heared of the same being a gave sin for the husband. I have heard that if a husband has only one wife he only has to sleep with her one out of the three nights and during the other three nights he can spend doing.. More
Sheikh i know of a couple who divorced more than three times and they organised halala to get back together and despite telling them not to do that they ignored us and they got back together and they produced children from that marriage are they bastards the children kindly clarify.. More
Assalaamualaykum. Dear scholar, I met a person who went through very difficult circumstances since her childhood. Her father neglected since she is small her and till now will barely pay any attention to her. She was married at an early age and her husband has been abusive. Because she did not achieve much academically, she is not given due consideration.. More
Asalamualaikum. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to ask this. May Allah increase you in knowledge. I am a 24year old lady and I’m planning on getting married soon. I have been with this brother for eight years now and now that we’re ready to settle down he recently told me that he’d like to have another wife in the future and I’m.. More
If marriage happened without filling up the pillars of marriage that is presence and consent of the wali,two trustworthy witnesses and announcement of the marriage this marriage is void.I came to know that from your fatwa .Even i saw a video of Javed Ghamidi where he said that secret marriage is not marriage at all .so I just want to know if a commits.. More
Assalamu aleikum,My wife has been in Iddah for 2.5 months after I spoke revocable talaaq to her. We have no kids. I do not wish to take her back and she stresses me out every day asking when I will take her back. Yesterday she asked me “are we getting a divorce?” and to get her off my back I said “no”. I only did this so she would stop asking.. More