I need your advice I'm 22-years old I was married since I was 15 also have 2 kids my marriage was based on lies my husband had a house when we got married but shortly after we were married sold it and sold all of my gold I had as a present to me in the marriage he had to pay his debits with it we were left with nothing we left the country and.. More
Does renewing marriage contract because not naming the bride's name needs Iddah monthly menstrual or not? And tell me how to do it and what to do after it, do I need to tell people about it or not. You said in your Fatwa if she is known before the contract no harm for not saying her name, tell me if I wanted to renew it in four months just to be.. More
I have a question about my 15 year old daughter proper Islamic appearance! Al-Hamdulillah, she is attending an Islamic high-school (USA) where she wears the mandated Islamic school uniform, which prohibits make-up, jewelry, perfume, etc. This is very good! She is generally a good, respectful daughter with great school results and Quran studies... More
My husband and I were married when there was another woman eight months pregnant with a child he had fathered. Eight and a half years into our marriage I find that this has become a greater problem with each passing day. What are my obligations towards this child and her mother? Do I have to endure insults from her in order to ensure that she.. More
I have noticed that I am not cheerful in life. Be it at work or at home I always feel that no matter whatever good I do I am always being blamed. At work I had serious problems with colleagues who don't even have a least consideration that I am a lady. They sometimes behave very rudely even at times when I was pregnant. I do not have my parents.. More
I would like you to advice me on the following subject Insha Allaah; I am married to non-Muslim woman; sometimes the relation goes very tense. I am finding it hard to convince her about things that she doesn't believe in and particularly we have two kids together. She thinks I am not flexible and I see everything not allowed or forbidden. I'll.. More
I have been married for almost five years now with 2 kids and I am expecting one next year. I am a depressed housewife; I have not been able to satisfy my husband in anyway ever since we got married.I have used my entire married life to seek ways of pleasing him that I have even lost my strength in making Ibaadat to my creature. I can't concentrate.. More
I am a new reader of your site. I read almost all your "Fatwas", and I am confused due to your "Fatwas", since you had given Fatwa for query, i.e. Fatwa 82419. Related to see the private parts of a married couple. You had stated that "Prophet did not do it. As Aa'ishah said: "But in the Fatwa" 83392. You had stated this, i.e. copy of what.. More
My friend says Allaah's Laws will never lead to Haraam activities. He says in the Gulf women covering their face use it as a cover to do Haraam activities like prostitution which everyone knows today. Also I think in Dubai covering face by Muslim woman is banned. Here in Kasargod a small district in Kerala, India women cover their face, nobody.. More
Can you tell me whether it is permissible for Muslim women to enter the graveyard to offer prayers by the graveside? Are there any special restrictions for pregnant women? What about taking young children? .. More