If a female is attending to a female gym to do exercise, normally wears Hijaab, no men at all. Is it ok to take the Hijaab off during exercise? .. More
I would like to know the difference between Khimaar (or head covering - ref 24:31) and Jilbaab (outer garment - ref 33:59). Are they both Fardh for all Muslim women? Does the Jilbaab has to stretch down to one's feet?.. More
A young Muslim woman (aged approx 20 years) is in prison in a Western country. She must agree to be strip-searched (to complete nakedness) by non-Muslim female prison staff in order to have visitors. Is this permissible? .. More
What is the concept of social life after marriage in Islam? 1) Can a couple invite another friend couple on dinner at home? 2) Can they invite each other or visit each other home and share the joy, etc.?.. More
Actually I married a woman 1 year ago and she was working in mixed environment. I was hopping to be better religion wise and give work with mixed environment day by day. I couldn't tolerate her working with men so I asked her to look for women environment to work with. Because I can't tolerate her to be work with men any more especially she is pretty... More
These questions came out of a recent discussion between friends and would really appreciate if you can provide answers. The text 'You' in the questions refer to one friend questioning the other.
1) Were women part of the Shoorah, decision making body, etc., in the time of Rasoolullaah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam's time, in the Sahaaba's.. More
What are rest honorable components would come as gift upon naming a child as Jannti. As I heard all Jannatis will be honored the gift as follows: Hayat of 'Eesaa, may Allaah exalt his mention, face of Yusuf, may Allaah exalt his mention, Akhlaaq of Prophet Muhammad. Kindly inform me the rest. .. More
It will be greatly appreciated of you can tell me the meaning or what it means by Adham the name of our father Prophet Aadam, may Allaah exalt his mention, as far as I heard, it means black, what does it state saying black. .. More
I live in France and I have been married for 6 years with a wife that her father was obliging her to work as a singer in Egypt (my wife is from Egypt). She came with her father to sing as he has a contract with a hotel. I married her to get her out of this and dirty environment, we were happy, I was helping her family with money to live, I.. More
Please I just want to ask on how a Muslim will go about performing ceremonies without going out of Islam, for example, when couple is blessed with a child or if one is marrying and you need to celebrate it.
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My husband has had trouble for years now balancing his duties to me, his wife, and to his mother (a widow) and his younger brothers, who are old enough to take care of themselves. He has always put me on hold, my rights have always been violated, he has ultimate devotion in taking care of them, but doesn't realize how neglecting me is hurting.. More
All praise to Allaah, blessings to the Prophet. Thank you for considering this difficult question. My wife and I are very good friends with one nice lady who is not a Muslim but still a person of the Book. I am trying to understand one thing that has arisen because my wife and I greatly like the idea of accepting her as a second wife, an.. More
I have been reading about the marital rights in Islam and I am confused. Please answer my question as its taking me away from religion and bringing evil thoughts about Islam. I understand man has more rights over his wife but if someone is given power there should be severe punishment if he abuses that power but it seems that if women makes.. More
What is the punishment from God Almighty to a mother who left her child and didn't see him because she hates her husband and wants to be divorced? .. More