What is the opinion of Islam when a religious teacher who wants to please a group of female congregation on matter of polygamy said: "When come to polygamy men always use the Sunnah to justify but when comes to other matters that are Sunnah men seem not to follow it." To me this is an insult to the Sunnah of polygamy and the religious teacher.. More
My wife cursed my sister and used bad words. I hit her and she abused me too. Now she is repentant with what she did to me and not to my sister, but I am not sure whether she will remain obedient at least from now. Further, I cannot love her as she abused me and the thought of it comes to me often. What should I do? .. More
I know of a brother who has accepted to "legally" marry a Muslim girl in the US for her to achieve legal status as he is a citizen of the country and she only having visa status. The girl has problems in her home country and will not go back. The brother swore not to meet her throughout this affair in only times where his presence is needed.. More
I have married but now we have conflict, and I have swear to Allaah I can't, have sex relation with her again if I will do that can be same like I have sleep with my mother, so if she will regret for her mistake can she be my wife again? .. More
Thank you so much for answer my question about oral sex. The reason I am writing again is that I am still confused. I would be very happy if you can guide me further. I am married for 10 years. we have fantastic relation with each other. My wife and I are very religious and would not do anything against Islam. The only problem I have is that.. More
I living in a multi-racial society, I am prone to meeting people outside my races and regard them as friends. Unfortunately, this has allowed me to fall in love with a Kafir who is willing to stand by me through everything, except entering my religion because he does not believe in one. He is a good person and my mother thinks the same way too.
As.. More
I have an embarrassing question, but need an answer. I met a Muslim man in 1993 in the USA. I was a Christian American. We began dating and even lived together and committed Zina. We were both ignorant at the time. He had strayed from Islam and was completely ignorant of even the basics of Islam and I was a Kufr. I got pregnant and we married.. More
Is a civil marriage considered a Nikaah? I ask as due to circumstances, the Nikaah of the sister is not to be held till a later date, however it is urgent that the civil marriage be held very soon. According to some people however, if men are present at the civil ceremony (i.e. the brides' father and brothers), the civil marriage will be considered.. More
I have two questions regarding sex in married life:-1.I know that husband and wife are not allowed to have sexual intercourse during menstruation period but are they allowed any type of sex other then this and what is the limit?Can wife touch and see husband's private parts and also masturbate him (to fulfill his sexual desire during this period).Can.. More
I want to know if I have any right to ask my husband to change jobs. He is currently employed as a chef and works from early morning to late night, because of this he is not able to spend any time with me as he is too tired to talk when he comes home. He spends absolutely no time with our baby son and I feel as if I have no husband. He job means.. More
I saw a brochure of Islam web today while I was waiting for my car to valuated, I decided to visit the website and am impressed by the quality and assistance provided to Muslims. May Allaah give you people great reward for your efforts. I have a question about my lasting married life. I won't go into much more details (if required can.. More
What is your opinion on the following matter? A friend of mine gave a first Talaaq to his wife as the latter was disobedient to him and was too obstinate such that for nearly any issue there used to be a lot of disputes between them. Her father came to his house unexpectedly and engaged in a dispute with my friend and his parents. Then all.. More
My Question is that I said to my wife if that man, come to my house you are divorced for later year I brought him to my house is my wife divorced or not? .. More