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5673 fatwas

  • Length of time for a divorce if wife leaves

    I would like to know how long it takes for a divorce if she leaves an we don't live together... More

  • Medication for depression makes him sexually weak toward his wife

    I suffer from depression and the drugs for it make me unable to perform my marriage duties physically but I still get feel the desire and at times perform the Fahishah by hand although my manliness is weak and incomplete. Am I committing a sin and what should I do about ignoring my wife whom I've lost interest in now for years because of my medical.. More

  • His wife will not forgive him for infidelity although he repented

    I had been unfaithful to my wife and my wife came to know about this after a year. Now she is not listening to anyone and says she wants a divorce. We have a small kid who is four months old. If have told her sorry and also promised her that I wont repeat this again but still she is not listening to me. In anger I even slapped her badly... More

  • Thinking of marrying a pregnant woman with 4 children

    I have encountered a wizard situation. I need solution to this problem; it started 2002 in the USA. I met good Muslimah (convert) from the Internet; she was divorced with 4 children. I was a virgin, and committed a sin (illegal sex intercourse) with her. She got pregnant, and when she told me I advised her to have abortion. She refused and insisted.. More

  • Marital dispute about etiquette with in-laws

    I have a problem and I need a solution. My husband is so stupid he told me I can't sit with the husband of my sister, and he sit all the time with the woman of his brother and with my sisters and there is no problem. When I told him why you he see just listing to or you could divorce me I must listing to him. But is not fare when I sit with.. More

  • Wants to know best way to be in contact with her fiancé' before marriage

    I have been engaged for almost a year and Insha Allah, am getting married soon. During this one-year with the consent of our parents my fiancé and I have stayed in regular touch through email and sometimes have also spoken on the phone. What I would like to know is that if my emails and telephone conversations have generally centered round religion.. More

  • Naming a boy "Thul-Kifl"

    Is "Thul-Kifl" a Muslim name for a boy? I looked at this name in mosque about 1 year ago and I don't remember if its a right name or not. Please answer this question as soon as possible. .. More

  • Said divorce but didn't know what he was saying

    I'm Muslim and I don't know if I say divorce to my wife this is divorce but I say it more 3 times and yesterday I read some Hadeeth. If man say divorce to his wife that is I don't know what I can do because I don't know this Hadeeth before and I style I don't want divorce... More

  • Doesn't remember divorcing his wife 3 times

    I would like to ask you a question regarding Divorce. I have sometimes attack in which I don't know what I am doing and what I am saying. I use medicine for this purpose. On one day when I was not in my normal state and my mother was with me, we had a fight with my wife. My mother pressurized me to give divorce to my wife, as I was not in normal.. More

  • Marriage of a girl from the lineage of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam

    Can a girl of "Sadaat" (the family of Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, from Faatimah, may Allaah be pleased with her) marry a non-Sadaat man? Can a girl of Sadaat marry with a man from the non-Fatimid generation of Ali bin Abu-Talib, may Allaah be pleased with him? .. More

  • She is repulsed by her husband's ex-wife's child

    My husband was married to a Mushrikah woman. She committed adultery several times during their marriage. My husband is claims a child that looks just like the oldest brother from his ex-wife's pervious marriage. This boy does not look like their mother of father or any of the other siblings. My concern is one of the boy lives with us and he.. More

  • Wants to marry a pious girl who was born outside of marriage

    First and foremost I appreciated how well you are serving our religion. After that I would like to clarify my doubts related to a marriageable question. I want to marry a girl but she was born before Nikaah or agreement marriage, she is pious girl, she says her prays she wears Hijaab she behaves like a pious girl. She fears Allaah she would like.. More

  • Confused marital relationship

    I was sent an e-mail by a sister and I was wondering if you could answer it for her, I will copy and paste her question from 2 e-mails, have a question for you though, don't know if you can help me but I need to find out and don't know where to turn. If you have been married for 10 months and you split up and that person doesn't bother getting.. More

  • Wants to strike her husband in self defense

    My question is about the behaviour of my husband. He has been very violent and mean with me lately and my question is what does the Qur'an say about treatment of the husband with hands? Can I return and strike my husband, not with force to break bone or to bruise, but to teach that I will not be hit? Can I strike my husband?.. More

  • Concerned about angry words spoken by her husband

    My friend quarreled with her husband over a petty issue and in a fit of anger she shouted that she was just given away by her parents to him and now they are so far that she can't reach them in response the husband told "then why don't you break and leave". Then there was silence and then my friend approached him and apologized and everything.. More