Aslamolykum, One of my friend facing divorce case in UK, Actually his wife claiming for divorce while he do not want to leave her in this particular scenario how much his wife do have right for getting divorce (Khula) Exactly my question is If she do not want live with his husband due to some reasons so what our Islam said that what he should to do?.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa ragmatullaahi wa barakaatuhIf my father had affairs years ago and his family knew about it, was it their duty to tell my mother or was it correct for them to keep it a secret?If his family knew he had a child out of this affair and his family knew about the child and never told us, was that wrong and sinful of his family not to.. More
salam alykum, i would like to breast feed an orphan child in order for him to become muhram to me and my daughter. we would like him to come live with us so that he can have a better life since he currently has no passport or nationality, therefore it will be difficult for him to get a proper education, job or get married in the future. we are able.. More
I'm 25 years old . I love a woman age 40years divorced ..I want to marry her .but my parents not allowing me to marry her ..we want to do secret marriage ...can I perform nikah kutbah myself without walijQuery111006862770532877345_1550910185427
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married a Christian having a son 11yrs old. he does everything for us but rejecting islam, quran etc., without knowledge I married and Allah showed me rightpath I wanted to be till I die and make son and him in the same path. We talked about quran and bible. finally end with some arguments or just close the chapter. I wanted to go my country son is.. More
Case 1. If She pray regularly and he dose not pray regularly before and at the time of nikah. Then he prayed regularly some months after nikah (Both praying now). Is nikah contract validCase 2. If She pray regularly but he dose not prayed regularly before and at the time of nikah.Then both prayed for a while regularly suddenly both stopped praying for.. More
Salamu AleikumDoes sura 5:32 refer to Muslims as well? Someone told me that despite Allah (SWT) adressing the children of Israel directly (and this is also in all tafseers) this verse also adresses Muslims. I said if this is true then why are we allowed to fight and kill diebelievers then?
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Salam Alikom Please I want to ask what is the right way to get married in islam meaning steps or stages , conditions and qualifications to get married.. I understand the documents are necessary but I want to know the full Islamic way to have a correct valid marriage. Thank you
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Assalamu Alaikum Sheikh,I recently married to my second wife last year (without the knowledge of first one as she is against this) on the condition that she will give up her rights but I put the condition at the time of nikah that I will do whatever I could with my own will to give her what she needs and we agreed to this in front of an imam. She is.. More
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salatu Was Salam 'ala Rasulillah As-Salam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu! What to do if a daughter does not want to wear hijab because kuffar do not wear hijab as well? At what age do i have to make her wear hijab? What if she rejects it anyway?
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