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5673 fatwas

  • Husband Is Harsh Because She Wears Niqaab

    Salam aleikum Sheikh. I have a question .. me and my husband married 10 years and have 3 kids and last about 7 years i wear niqab . My husband never takes me out nor spends time with me . We lived apart for 2 years and he came twice a year to visit me and kids and then he never spend time with me nor took me out Walking etc like normal Couples do. He.. More

  • A Christian Wife Has Same Rights as Muslim Wife

    I am christian married to a muslim egyptian man, and he is a believer of islam. My concern is that, am I entitled to the same rule about my financial rights as wife regardless that I am not muslim? please help me. .. More

  • Discovered That Bride Suffers from Short Leg Syndrome

    Assalamualaikum,A friend of mine was got cheated in marriage. The bride's parents and relatives didn't inform that bride is suffering with short leg syndrome (one of her leg is short length) which is a genetic disorder. Now there are many doubts whether they have cheated with regard to qualifications, health and previous marriage details of the bride... More

  • Gave birth less than six months after marriage

    Assalamu AlaikumDear Shiekh,My sister was having a pre-marital affair and was going out with the boy. She would listen to anyone and we didn’t have control over her going out. The guy according our finding was very bad in all ways. As sister was extremely stubborn we gave her in marriage to same guy mid June 2018 to avoid any haram happening before.. More

  • Wife Refuses to Return Home Due to Quarrels with Husband's Mother

    Married for around 10 months wife went ot her parent place even after completing 1month she not yet returned reason for going is that my mother is speaking a lot saying same thing again and again, need solution..Even i had gone to bring her back but she didnot came with me. .. More

  • Wants to Marry Her Future Children at Age of 15

    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu, i'm 22yrs unmarried girl,i've thought to marry my childrens(in shaa ALLAH in future) at the age of 15 so to avoid any kind of a illicit thought .. More

  • Divorce After Foreplay Without Penetration Counts

    Asalamualykum I would like some advice regarding divorce. I have not had intercourse with my husband but we have been intimate since I became pure following post partum bleeding. I am currently breastfeeding and plan to In Sha Allah for the full 2 years and am aware that this may delay the return of my menses for a long time. I wanted to know whether.. More

  • Wants to Commit Zina as He Can’t Marry

    Assalamu alaykum my respected sheikhs, I am a 16 year old boy living in a western country. I come from a religious family that truly cares for me. I’m overly attracted to the opposite gender and I’m seriously considering having sexual intercourse with a girl even though I know the consequences of this action. I’m very confused and I don’t know.. More

  • Mathematical Numbers are not Expressions or Metaphors of Divorce

    Asalam O alaikum! Can mathematical numbers also be considered as metaphors for divorce? For example a person is calculating taxes and he is writing numbers in calculator or computer for the purpose and intention of calculating taxes and he gets a wawasa about metaphors for divorce but his intention is to work. Can those numbers also be considered as.. More

  • Must Observe Hijab in Front of an Adopted Boy

    Is it a sin if I don't observe hijaab in front of my adopted son? I don't want to as it makes him feel like a stranger, and hurts him.Is there any way I can avoid hijab in front of him. .. More

  • Women Getting Massages and Exposing The Awrah

    In the state of Kerala, there is a practice of women getting post-delivery massages from a qualified woman for around 40 days, around the abdomen and also for the whole body. The awrah is of course uncovered and the one being massaged is dressed very less. I too had these massages after delivery and then again for a few days at a time when I was facing.. More

  • A Male Teacher Alone With a Male and Female Student

    Is it permissible to study in a one room, but there is also a female student in that room . There is a teacher ,myself and a female student studying in one room. I am in a necessary situation ,and I cannot go to other place other than this place for several months. .. More

  • Her Husband Calls Her Disobedient For Everything She Does

    Salam aleikum I have a question about the Word nashez ( disobedient wife) as my husband calls me this many Times a day. He tells me every day almost that Prophet Rasoul Allah have made lana for women like me and that i Will never feel the smell of jennah . If i forget to close a door inside Home he calls me nashez , if i dont make bread exactly on the.. More

  • Married Secretly and Wife May Be Pregnant

    I am studying bsc hons.i have 8 month left to complete my study.After getting admission i am in a relationship with one of my classmate.but when we relaize its haram in islam and we were practising islam so we married secretly in 2015 to make it a halal relation.we had planned that when our study will complete and as soon as i managed a job we will.. More

  • Marrying a Woman and her Sister's Daughter

    Can my husband marry my niece i.e. my sister's daughter? .. More