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5673 fatwas

  • He married a non-practicing Jewish wife and is worried about having children

    I'm a non-practicing Muslim man, but I believe in Allaah strongly and try my best to do the right thing by people (Muslims and non-Muslims). I have been married to a non-practicing Jewish girl for 6 years. She's honest, respectable and has very high standards of good morals and principles. For the last couple of years there's been talk between.. More

  • Suffers doubts about anything without concrete evidence

    I read in one of your Fataawa that pronouncing divorce after an invalid marriage does not constitute anything. I was hoping if you could provide some evidence (Hadeeth, etc...) for this as I suffer extremely from doubts as to anything anyone says without concrete evidence. Also can you suggest any remedies for these doubts e.g. how do I.. More

  • Regrets living as an illegal immigrant in the West

    I'm an Arab man who is living in the West. I'm a Muslim man coming from Arab Land to 5th West to have a better life as I thought and to have a study but I came here illegal and then I made refugee status. I had no one who I know then I go to a mosque and met somebody who said to me that there is a place where I can live and I went with him... More

  • His wife has taken up with another man and refuses to listen to reason

    I am Muslim Egyptian married to Muslim Egyptian for 11 years and engaged for additional 2 years. We lived in this foreign country for 9 years. She was the perfect wife, mother, friend and companion. We got through many problems financially (on the edge) and we made it out. She never worked till after I decided to give private business and get.. More

  • Does not want her father to marry her off to his choice

    I am a practising religious woman and I wear the correct religious Hijaab. I have three children and was divorced since seven years. I am suffering from being a widow and want to get married to a religious man. However, my family wants to marry me to a Pakistani man even if he does not pray. My father does not have a correct belief and he.. More

  • Wants clarification of her rights as first wife

    I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but my heart weighs heavy. My previous question brought doubt on my husband's morals. I do know him well enough to know where he draws the line on sexual activity outside of marriage. I know that he would not enter a woman that wasn't his wife. But where do other activities fall in terms of sinning, i.e. oral.. More

  • She wants to make Hijrah from USA and does not want to wait as her marriage proposal suggested

    I have always wanted to make Hijra to a Muslim country but I never had a Muhrim. I young man proposed to me and promised that he would have me to an Islamic country after two or three years. I really don't want to stay two or three more years because my Imaam is decreasing everyday. I make Istikhaarah and I wanted to consult someone but I.. More

  • Illegal alien in USA trying to find a Muslim husband

    I am from Costa Rica, but I live in USA. I reverse to Islam 6 years ago. After one year being here I did meet a guy from Syria a couple months later I became his wife. This marriage was only in the Islamic way because he did not want to sign any papers just because he did tell me that I want him to fix my illegal situation. So he wants me.. More

  • When she married her Muslim husband she was a Christian only on paper

    I married my Muslim husband 9 years ago in my country while I was Christian in papers but atheist in reality and I was not a chaste person. Now I became Muslim from 6 years, even I am a devout Muslim now dressing Niqab and we have 3 children. Is our marriage valid? .. More

  • She wants to know the disposition of her children by her divorced husband

    I left my country 5 years ago because of divorce. My ex-husband didn't give me a permission to take my son with me. When I left I was pregnant. I gave birth to girl in England where I'm living now. My ex-husband wants to have my daughter to live with him away from me. He doesn't allow me to have any contact with my son. I'm very sad; I don't.. More

  • A Muslimah's daughter became a lesbian and left the home to live with her lesbian friend

    A woman converted to Islam at the age of 35. Her daughter was about 13 this time. In the meanwhile the woman was married to a Muslim and the daughter converted to Islam also. Than a terrible think happened. The daughter at the age of 18 began to have lesbian relationship with a girl the mother gave her two alternatives: First to stay at home (and.. More

  • Married to a non-Muslim woman who promises to become a Muslim

    I am Muslim married to English woman and have two children with her. I used to accept the fact that she is not a Muslim. But now I am 38-years of age I am changing and I feel I want my wife and kids to grow up as Muslims. She never stops me teaching my kids about Islam and when I ask her she says she is Muslim. She did the Shahada when I was the.. More

  • She is deeply concerned about the future of marriage to a revert (new Muslim)

    When considering marrying a revert if he has made a conscious effort to learn about Islam and fear of Allaah, what other qualities should be considered before deciding whether to marry a revert? Does consideration of his family and their involvement in my life and that of any future children, be a deciding factor in my decision of marrying a.. More

  • Wants to find pious religious Muslim husband in USA, but it is hard to find there

    Mine is more of an advise. I come from a Muslim family. But my parents are not very religious. I would like to get married to a very religious man. But the problem is my parents cannot find that for me. The Islam community here is not strong. So I cannot rely on leaders in mosque. What is your advice, how can I go about it? Any solution?.. More

  • Trying to prevent homosexual acts

    My best friend and her family were chocked to discover 2 months ago that her brother is in a relationship with another young man close to his age 21. When he was confronted he said that he was sorry and wouldn't do it again but a month later he was caught again and was warn and needless to say he did it again and again and his family doesn't know.. More