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5673 fatwas

  • Wants to name his son Muhammad Ibraaheem

    Allaah is blessing us with a baby boy. We plan to name him Muhammad Ibraaheem. We request your opinion on this name. We are bit afraid that, later, people may call him 'Hey Ibraaheem' or 'O Ibraaheem'; this may affect the dignity of Ibraaheem  may  Allaah  exalt  his  mention. Your opinion will be greatly appreciated. .. More

  • Unable to resolve marital conflicts

    I am facing a huge communication problem with my wife and I want to save our marriage and save our kids from a possible divorce. Here is the problem as I see it: She is facing difficulties raising our kids and taking care of everything, home and kids and studies of those kids, and me. So she tends to be always upset and screams and denigrates.. More

  • Wants to marry but it is difficult

    I really need some advice on this. I was recently asked for marriage by a Muslim man who is divorced and has a child. I told him I cannot keep talking to him on phone even the basics because its not Halaal. At the moment its difficult for us to marry because of financial reasons. We leave in different countries and it would cost him a.. More

  • Said to his wife 'I will leave you'

    I would like to ask that is it compulsory to say Talaaq work to divorce a woman? If said 'Iwillleave you/I divrorce you' is Talaaq valid? As I was very angry with my wife and I told her I leave you know but did not say any word like Talaaq, is my marriage invalid? As we are still leaving together and still we have same relations like before... More

  • Unmarried woman living alone

    I was wondering is it permissible for an unmarried woman to move out of her parent's home and live by herself if her parents are still alive? .. More

  • Sees friend in sin against parents' wishes and knowledge

    I have a friend who I know is still having a relationship with her boyfriend even though her parents' had forbidden it and she has even promised to stop seeing him. My question is: do I have the right as a Muslimah to inform her parents about what she is doing against their wishes? Her parents are upstanding figure in our community and their.. More

  • Status of child born out of wedlock

    we have two questions to pose, first concerning the status of children born out of wedlock before a brother or sister has taken the Shahaadah in regards to rights responsibilities from the parent to child and from child to parent after the parent has professed to being Muslim and the child has not also being that the children other parent.. More

  • Premature ejaculation

    I have a sexual problem, premature ejaculation, and I'm 28-years-old, I don't know what Islam says about this situation, and I did want to doctors but they ask me to get medicine that it will be good to use only the time when I be with a lady, or I do it by myself, and I cannot get married at this time, because I don't know if I will be.. More

  • The caste system

    I would firstly like to thank you for the great website that you provide to Muslims around the world. May Allah reward you for this good achievement (Ameen). My question is what does it mean when Allah says I have separated you in tribes and nations so that you can recognize one another? Is this talking about the caste system (where caste.. More

  • Penis between his wife's buttocks

    If during sex with wife some one chooses to keep his penis between her buttocks as for the enjoyment but not putting inside anal is it allowed?.. More

  • Wondering if he's still married

    I am married for 3-years to my cousin and have a son of 1 year usually myself and my wife has arguments very often but we love each other too much recently I was very angry to her and she was behaving very rude to me and in angry she broke my mobile and I told her to buy me mobile in half hour or I will leave her and I repeat the work I will.. More

  • Muslims practicing homosexuality

    I have three brothers who are Muslim and they are practicing homosexuals how do I help them?.. More

  • Distressed over poor parental relations

    I would like to start off by saying how wonderful it is to have a site like this to turn to in times of distress. May Allaah bestow his blessing upon whom has created it. I am 25-years and have recently become well acquainted with my religion. I love it. Who could ever deny such purity? However, for years I have been living in the depths.. More

  • The children believe their parents are in a bad marriage

    My parents have throughout their marriage always argued and never liked each other and they have made us really miserable. They have reached divorce many times. Lately, things have gotten worse and although I have tried to keep them together and calm them down so many times they just hate each other. My brothers are now thinking that the best.. More

  • Feels desire for his half sister

    I have a problem but it is better now Al-Hamdu Lillaah. I'm about 35-years of age and I have a half sister that I haven't seen for about 7 years. She is now 16. When I saw her she is too beautiful and bad things come to my mind. What can I do? I know I can't marry her. It feels much better now, but I feel jealous when people talk about marriage.. More