I have problem with my wife and she told to live I don't like any more because I'm not making good money for now and I left the house since 15 days and I have 2 kids with her lease can you tell me what's the solution... More
Is there a ruling about what should be done with?
1) The abdominal cord of a new born baby, after it dries and breaks away? 2) Shaved hairs of a new born baby?People say that they should be thrown away into the sea, and not in the garbage (or unclean places), otherwise the Satan will affect the baby thought it. Please advise, with any.. More
I have been married for three years. My husband is an Egyptian I am an American Egyptian. My problem is my husband is very money tight (Bakeel). When we go out he does not want to pay for anything if I want to get anything he stands far away. my parents went to Egypt and my husband is finishing his last year in his medical residence he is.. More
Please explain to me the principle of Aqiqah (shaving the head of the new born) in Islam. Please explain this to me with the relevant Hadiths of the Prophet (Saws)... More
My husband lives 40 km distance from me with one of his other wives. For a period of 3 years he has a habit of staying away from me 2-3 months and he comes back-it happens frequently. He does not support me financially at all-neither does he even ring to ask me how I am. I would like to get divorce from him. What can I do that is comparable.. More
I was married before 2 years, that was arranged by my parents and my in-laws, no intensions from my side. When my in-laws came to my home for my proposal they do not show anything. And said everything is perfect in their house .my husband was in USA at that time. After that my husband came to my homeland and my parents call him at home that.. More
My sister had done Kateb al-kitab (registered married in Islaam) but had not had sexual relations with her husband as they still had not moved in together as they had planned to have a celebration first. They broke up because of certain problems but now they have solved the problems and have reread the Faatihah but have not redone the Kateb al-kitab... More
If a guy embraces Islaam and his wife embraces later or does not do they need a new (Nikaah) or previous one is enough this is the first and second. One who becomes Murtadd (non-Muslim) and does repentance (Tawbah) whether it is right that if her Iddah has not passed he does not need a new (Nikaah) but if her (Iddah) has passed he needs a.. More
I would like clarification on a financial issue. I work outside of the home, and prior to marriage to my second husband, I agreed to help with financial expenses, this was a verbal agreement. (However my husband got us into 1000's of dollars of Ribaa debt, I had no debt when I married him). Currently, I pay for our daughters' Islamic school.. More
I have a daughter with downs syndrome, she is six now, Alhamdu Lillaah, she gone through a lot of big tests; her intelligent is about 3-4 (according to doctors assessment), she has a very good memory, quick response, loving and caring, polite, etc., but she can't talk very clearly, and sometimes when I teach her about Islaam,.. More
I would like to ask about rule of women praying outside her home in non-Muslim countries. For example, if she can’t pray in her work, school and mosque is far. Can she to find another place for praying or it is suitable for her wait with praying to her home? Because some Muslim girls want to pray in cabin in the supermarket or in the corner.. More