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5673 fatwas

  • Husband slandering his wife

    I have a question:A man blames his wife that she has committed Zina on a Du'aa' test after 30 years of marriage and says that a handicapped son is not his and instructs the wife to stay away from him, not divorces nor does the wife ask for it as she has kids. The husband without having four witnesses as per Islaam and also now marries another.. More

  • Self divorce

    I want to know whether there any such thing in Islaam as "self divorce" meaning Talaaq or divorce happens on its own after some circumstances as in case which I'm referring. A husband has left his wife who has a kid from him. He doesn't support her in any way n she has no sort of contact with him not even in mail. He doesn't even mail her.. More

  • The brother of the deceased marries his widow

    It is a tradition in my culture that when a man leaves behind a wife and children, they become the family of his brother(s). In other words, the brother-very often the younger brother-of the deceased maries the widow in order for her not to leave the household and ultimately abandon the children. Is this Halaal practice?.. More

  • Temporary marriage in order to remarry her ex-husband

    I am writing to know if in Islam temporary marriage allowed? I mean temporary marriage a real marriage in front of witness, but it should be temporary in order to marry the ex husband again. I know after third divorce a woman should wait for to finish her Iddah and then she should marry someone else when he divorces her then she can marry her ex-husband... More

  • Divorcee wants to remarry her husband

    I have an important question, I have been married for 12 years before my husband and I separated. We have now been separated for 5 years and now are thinking of getting back together and I want to know what is the right thing to do first. But I would like to say that he has married again and he has filed for divorce in America although we did get married.. More

  • Wants to remarry after Khula

    I want to ask one question about my married life. I was married last 16 months before but due to some misunderstanding we have separated.ShetookKhulafrom me 8 months before. Now we both want toremarry. How it should be done. Pls tell us to what is the right way in IslamI hope you be help us. jazakkumul khair thanks .. More

  • Designating a guardian for their child in case of their death

    My husband and I live in the USA and we have a 4-year-old son who is both American and Egyptian. We are afraid that we might both die or have an accident, in which case the social services could take our son and give him for adoption, so we decided to make a Legal Will naming a Guardian for our son in the event of our death. The lawyer says that.. More

  • Benefits of wearing Hijab

    What are the spiritual benefits of wearing Hijaab besides the benefits already read in other Fataawa?.. More

  • Questionable marriage

    I am 20, my family has divorced 7 years ago. I live with my grand mother with my 2 little sisters. I have been asked for marriage by one guy. He is religious and has good character. I have asked my father about the proposal, since he live abroad, he also asked his friend who lives here to give him information about the guy. My father's friend.. More

  • Wife seeks divorce

    I would like to ask a question on a strange situation a couple who had been married for 4 months, had a huge argument and the husband leaves and they don't communicate with each other at all for 2 years accept on a few occasions, the form of contact was telephone conversations trying to solve the problem, the lady tries to get back with the husband.. More

  • Has difficulty finding a wife as a new convert to Islam

    Allah has opened doors of Islaam for me. In order to be a better Muslim I am intending to marry. Since I have nobody to look for a bride for me, I am striving for myself. But I find it very strange to see Muslim's perspective of me. Being a convert they do respect me a lot, but I have seen when it comes to marriage they start to pose questions,.. More

  • Married without his parents' approval

    If a Muslim man marries a woman who was Roman Catholic and divorced with children, then on meeting this man she finds out about Islam and accepts it then they get married and the man did not request permission from his parents, is this marriage acceptable. The man was younger than the woman also and an only son and parents lived in another country,.. More

  • Marriage with non-Muslim woman

    In case of marriage between a Muslim man and a non-Muslim woman must the woman convert before or after the marriage has taken place... More

  • Boys and girls mixing

    Is it ok for a girl of age 12 to sit next to a boy or sit in front a boy every day at school (Muslim boy or non-Muslim boy)?.. More

  • He has not contacted his wife for six months

    My young sister was given a Nikaah to gentle man who divorced three other women and each of them has a minimum of two children but recently returned to one of the women. He has not contacted her for about six months and not sent anything to her though she lives with her sister. I have recently contacted her she told to get the divorce letter from.. More