My husband and I are in process of divorce. We have 2 young daughters (9, 8). He refuses to let me raise them and have them with me. I am a practicing Muslimah and try every day to get closer to Allah, InshaAllah. As for my husband, he is also practicing Islam and only Allah knows what really is in his heart. I really do believe that my children.. More
My husband and I have had many problems in the past about him gambling and drug use, which leads to him never being of home. I have left him to stay with my mum about 6-7 times and he refuses to stop, we have a 3yr old daughter together, and many people, including his parents, have told him to stop this behavior but he will not. He doesn't pray.. More
I am a resident in the United States of America since a long time and I discovered some matters that the Muslims are doing, and which require a sound Islamic ruling, and need to be made known to the Ummah for the benefit of everybody InshaAllah.
One of these matters is concerning the Wali (guardian) of a Muslim woman. This is a matter which is widespread.. More
I am a working mother with a 2 years old son. His babysitter is not a Muslimah and it is almost impossible to find a Muslimah to take care of him while I am at work .My husband is worrying that since she is with him 8hours a day her religion might influence our baby although my husband takes him with him to the mosque and we are teaching him Muslim.. More
I have a wife who had previous relationships with men before me and they had children and I don't have any. I told her before we got married that this will be a problem for me, but she insisted on marrying me; she even made me promise to marry her. My biggest problem is the father of one child is still keeping in contact with her and this is making.. More
My sister married a man who has boy (aged 17 years) from his previous wife. The man divorced my sister but the boy (who is not my sister's son) is living with my sister in our joint family home. In Islam can this boy live with my sister as her step-son? Can he be treated as her son? Or should she observe hijab around that boy?.. More
I am a practicing Muslim of Ahl Sunnah wal hamdulillah. I am revert and married with two kids. Two of my sisters-in-law live with me as they are attending college in our city far away from their home town. All are good Muslims. I only give them salaam and I never sit to talk with them as they are grown, 18 and 20 years. They are shy as much as I.. More
I am currently involved in a relationship with a Muslimah through SMS message. It's taking us far, and I just proposed to her through SMS. My worry is that I love her so much, but the feeling of getting married to her, after being involved in such a relationship (sending sms messages) makes me feel our marriage won't last long. Can I marry her? Please.. More
I want to know if a person promises to marry you and simply abandons you and is not in touch anymore what is the fatwa regarding this. After knowing my past life he promises and then goes away, does this mean he's afraid of my past then why did he promise?.. More
I know a young Muslim girl who sought my advice for a problem for which I am not qualified. She's having an unlawful relationship with a non-Muslim person. (I mentioned "non Muslim" just for information, such a relation is Haram with Muslim or non-Muslim.) Anyhow, she is 10 weeks pregnant and does not know what to do. Her boyfriend wants to marry.. More
I am a sister residing in UK studying for a PhD. I love this gentleman who is my colleague back home and he also loves me. We both have been very pure in our feelings and none of the usual meeting and dating stuff ever took place. All this happened before I was suppose to come here for my studies in 2002. Due to my good result I was offered a.. More
I friend is having a serious problem. Please respond in detail. The issue is she is getting married in few days andher husband-to-be has given her hints that he is interested in having sex with her in an unnatural way (from behind). Kindly advise how she can dissuade him from this... More
I need help. I have been married to my husband for thirteen years. Now he is starting to be mean to me and his kids. He does not spent time with us. On top of it all, he has been accusing me with other men anddoes not believe me at all. What does Shariah says about his behavior? Can I get a divorce from him?
.. More
I have a dilemma; I know this man via my sister in law. He is very good, sweet, kind Muslim man. But I live in Holland and he lives (illegal) in the States. I am going to Morocco this summer and he wants to let his parents meet my parents and ask for my hand. Can my parents not accept this because the man to be is not present but in the US because.. More