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5673 fatwas

  • Teaching sons how to help their future wives

    Hadith about men cooking, helping with "women's work", Someone wants to teach their son how to cook, but the Dad says it's only for the daughter to learn and help her mom. So the boys get to sit back and be served while the girl does all the work? Then he will never learn how to help his future wife. What does Islam say? .. More

  • Suffering as a second wife

    I am the second wife of my husband. My parents opposed this; as a result they have disowned me and have given him severe hardship to the extent that they reported to the police a case of kidnapping me. I was 29 years of age then. I just want to know is it wrong what I have done? My husband treats his first wife really nice, though his first wife.. More

  • Naming her daughter

    Can I call my baby girl "Abrar"?.. More

  • Makes prohibited contacts with females

    I have a problem but each time I tried to correct it more temptations come around me. my problem started when I was youngbecause I grew loving the things of this world so much but in a bid to run away from it (especially having sex with opposite sex) I made a pledge to Allah that InshaAllah I wont do it again until I get married since then I.. More

  • Women's work

    Does a woman have a choice to work outside? The Prophet's wife Khadija(r) used to, so is it permissible?.. More

  • Nursing girls and boys

    In the light of Quran and Hadith, how long a mother should nurse her baby daughter? I have heard few people saying it is 2 years. And some people said 2 1/2 years. What is, if any, harm in nursing after 2 years or later? Is there any difference in nursing time for daughters and sons? .. More

  • A child from adultery: what to do?

    I have done something terrible, A few months ago, I came out of my over garments and cheated on my husband of 4 years, and became pregnant, how do I gain forgiveness of not only my husband, but Allah, what do I need to do?.. More

  • Arranging a meeting between a fiance and his fiancee

    Please in this part of the world parents first arrange a meeting date called introduction which is meant for the intending husband and wife's family to get to know one another before the day of Nikah, I want to know if this is acceptable in the Shariah... More

  • Group sleep over for Muslim female youth

    My question is regarding having sleep over. I really understand that sleep over is not appropriate for us (Muslim).Now summer is approaching and practicing sleep over here in the west is very common. I'm just wondering is there any ruling or is it really applicable to have "GROUP SLEEP OVER FOR MUSLIM YOUTH GIRL in the mosque (Masjid)though the.. More

  • Fifteen year-old girl committed sin

    Dear sir I have a daughter who is fifteen years old and she committed a sin with a boy. I don't know what to do. So please if you have any advice let me know on this matter.May Allah be will all of us Aameen?.. More

  • Suffers from husband's sexual dysfunctioning

    My husband suffers Sexual Dysfunction (premature ejaculation) due to which I remain unsatisfied and it causes much distress. He takes these issues pretty much for granted and does not consider my requirement although he has good knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah. I feel used and discarded when he is done in half a minute and then has nothing to do.. More

  • She objects to husband's desire for divorce

    I am married to an Arab from Jordan. We are having problems now. I recently converted to Islam. My husband wants to return to Jordan, but won't take me with him. He says he doesn't have to stay married to me if he does not want to. He is a teacher of linguistics in Jordan. Now he wants a divorce. I love him dearly, but he wants out of our marriage... More

  • Stay-at-home father with wife at work

    I was wondering if you could help me with a unique question. I'm a stay-at-home father in Canada and a Muslim. My wife works, we both agreed on this arrangement that I would care for the boys at home. However, I understand that under Shariah law a husband must provide for his wife and family. While that law is not enforced in Canada, I am wondering.. More

  • Spending on weddings

    In my country many people try to imitate others in many things. One of the things is marriage. Some people borrow money on interest to pay for marriage expenses, such as food, music, etc. Could you please with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah tell us how should be spent on a MUSLIM Wedding?!!.. More

  • Child marriage in Islam

    A scholar in our country said that the child marriage, i.e., marrying a girl before she matures is forbidden in Islam. He says that it was initially allowed and later this provision was abrogated. He cites the following hadith as evidence. "Volume 7, Book 62, and Number 67: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A matron should not be given in marriage.. More