My husband has several children by his first wife, and two by me, his second wife. We are both Muslim. Neither of us knew of the other's existence for many years. For over four years now we knew we share the same husband. His first wife refuses to accept his second marriage and uses the well being of the children to blackmail my husband from being just... More
According to your remarks in a previous Fatwa, it is not permissible for men and women to mix. This Fatwa is based upon the assumption that there is Fitnah whenever a man and woman (non-Mahram) are together, but there is no basis for this in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Sahih Hadith states a man and woman cannot be alone, because the Shaitan will be the third.. More
My sister is due to marry a man. He came to our house and ask my dad for her hand. With the consent of both families he went to take the marriage date but found that often there are problems/hurdles stopping him getting married. He said he has black magic over him and now since 2-years he is going to Molovi's for cure although you can tell it is simple.. More
I am not a Muslim but I have recently been studying the Qur'an, reading pamphlets, talking with Muslim friends, going to mosque, etc. I would like to convert. My girlfriend and I (who have been planning on getting married for several months) committed Zina. She is now 1 month pregnant. We plan on getting married soon. She is not Muslim but will allow.. More
I am a 20 years-old girl who wants to ask you about the Salat. In fact I have a serious problem: I have vaginal and urinary secretions even when I am in Sujuod or throughout the Salat. Is my Salat true?
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I have a relationship with a Muslimah from England and I want to marry her. But I don't have relation with her family. Can I tell her about my idea or no? Or I must tell her family and how?
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It is a tradition in our society that the money a man pays for the bride at the engagement time (Mahr) is used by her to buy different things for her, including gold. Do I have the right to interfere with things my future wife buys, or is it absolutely her right to spend all the money or keep part of it?.. More
I am a girl married to a man who before the marriage contract led me to believe that he was not going to marry more than one wife. Since the marriage contract, he may marry again. Now I'm upset. What do you advise me to do?
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I am a married Muslim living with my husband, and his family and I would like to ask about my rights to have my own property. When I got married, my husband's family gave me gold jewelry as a present. A few weeks ago when all the fighting began in filasteen, I made the intention to give the gold a Sadaqa. However, I did not have a chance to go to the.. More
I have a female friend in Jeddah, who is married to a man as his second wife. This is her second marriage also. She has a son from her ex-husband. Her present husband did not tell his first wife about his second marriage, as he has three kids from his first wife. Two weeks ago he told his first wife that he had been married to a second woman for about.. More
Can a man marry his wife's sister if their mothers are not the same but have the same father? We need an answer to determine a situation where this can happen.
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I have a female friend from Mexico that has been a Muslim for 3 months.
She has been married for 25 years now, has a nice family, and a nice Christian husband. He lets her believe what she wants he believes in freedom of belief. She loves him so and loves her family. She wants to know: should she divorce her husband of 25 years now? Please answer.. More