our country local language-e or o meaning-‘ that.” During a divorce thought.if anyone said e or o.also ‘ame”meanig ‘I”(i am).my question is if anyone said ‘ame”(here not only utter ‘e” but when utter ‘ame”, than’e” pronounced, to indicate ‘e”) during a divorce thought.uring read sura ‘e”also utter.. More
Al Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!I've read in a whole lot of places that children born out of wedlock should not be attributed to their father, although some opinions may differ. I, however, grew up with both of my parents, who are, by the way, non-muslim. I reverted to Islam a couple of years ago. When my mom got pregnant, they were not.. More
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu,We live in 200 sq ft house,my brothers want us to get married so that they can marry & take their wives to this home,we are 2 sisters 3 brothers & parents living in this house.The can afford a rental house but the says this is my fathers home & I will stay here with my wife as house is not that.. More
Assalamalaikom. I am planning to name by baby girl Asma. I would like to know the actual meaning of the name Asma as I am getting different meanings of different websites.
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Your fatwa titled HUSBAND IS HELL OR HEAVEN TO WIFE OR VICE VERSA, in that you are saying even wife is also the same.for.the husband, but you dont qoute any proof from any hadith or prominant scholar, then how to accept your answer? And also you say that treat wife kindly is equally important then why did the prophet (pbuh) say : shall i not inform.. More
My sister got married two months before now her husband is telling her that he married her by her family force he don't like her and don't want to be with her atlease 10 to 15 time he told her because he love another girl and want to marry her now he want to divorce my sister after hearing this my sister also don't want to be with her and now the boy.. More
I am an English teacher in Egypt. I rent a small office (basement apartment) where I teach young students. The age of the students are mostly under ten years old. It is often that a mother of the student waits in another room (reception) until we finish the lesson. The student actually sits in a classroom with the teacher for the duration of the lesson,.. More
Dear brother,Salaam. I would like to get your views on the following issues. During a discussion about a specific topic, a husband told his wife if you did this to me I would not be able to live with you and I would have already left you. 1. In such situation, if the wife already did this action without the man knowing, can this affect the wedding?2... More
salam. if a wife goes to visit her parents/relatives or travels for other lawful acts and stays over for a few days with the husband's permission, is the husband obliged to provide maintenance to the wife for this duration?
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Salam aleikum My husband is Always arguing with me about islam and how i follow and so on. For example if there is 2 opinions from the ulamahs i Always follow the strictest. Its bcz i want to be sure not getting sins ( even thou of course we are just peoole and sin anyway ) like the niqab . I follow the opinion its fardh and i wear niqab i Think that.. More
AOA,Scientist have created Genetically Modified Cows and Goats that give Human Milk so that it can serve as an alternative to human breast milk or formula milk. So are the laws of "Razaat" or Milk kinship is established by drinking the milk of these Genetically Modified animals. And if established then what is the period in which it establishes i.e.. More
Assalamou alaykoum. I am a German Muslim and live currently in the country of my husband while he work in Germany. I have big problem with staying here alone without him and it become a great fitna for me that take me away from my Ibada. My husband refused to take me and the children back with him because he doesn't want our daughter to enter school.. More
Assalamualaikum,I know that denying the obligation of prayer is considered apostasy but for a while I used to believe that it would be okay to miss and pray qadha for a prayer if it fell in the middle of exams since it might result in fldoing badly ot failing the exam. I can't remember why exactly I believed such a thing, since I looked up some fatwa.. More