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5673 fatwas

  • Writing the Words of Divorce

    Aoa.sir I am confused whether my husband gave me the right to divorce or not.I am in doubt whether I wrote the words of divorce or not. My life has become a hell.I keep on telling my self,if I wrote the words of divorce,I didn't mean them,I had no intention.plz tell me the ruling when I am in doubt.plz help me .. More

  • Children Affected by Evil Eye from In-Laws

    Salam aleikum I need advice with something .My husband parents and relatives are not practising and for that i dont like when he send pic or videos of our children to them bcz they never say allahumma barik or mention Allahs name and 3 of my husband uncles even made my children pic on Facebook which im totally against. I dont want to risk that my children.. More

  • Complaining to Mother about Brother

    Is it backbiting if I complain to my mother than I feel that my brother is making Hasad on me? And if I tell her that I feel he is to nosey and tries to find out what I do too much .. More

  • Wife Complaining of Husband's Mistreatment

    Salam aleikum Sheikh I have a problem i need advice with . Im married and we have 3 children (8,6 and 4 years old) the 2 oldest are boys and have their own room . The youngest is a girl and sleep with us on a madrass next to our nog bed. On weekends and hollidays and sometimes weekdays too my husband lets the 2 oldest children sleep in our room with.. More

  • Whispers Regarding Vaginal Discharges

    Assalamu Alaikum, I have a confusing question regarding the 'moisture' emitted by a woman. I do not see any discharge of any colour and sometimes my undergarments don't even feel wet. However some time after wearing the undergarments, there's a smell on them that feels a bit like urine (but I don't suffer from urine incontinency). I am confused as to.. More

  • The Marriage Can be Conducted on any Day or Month of the Year

    can I conduct marriage to my son in the month of February 2018 i.e jamadil avval. .. More

  • Protecting the Youth from Widespread Immorality

    There are many videos in the internet,which shows beautiful girls being gagged and tied up and kidnapped, and I have read that the west use these tactics to arouse sexual desires.They also do such acts in real life,for sexual pleasure.Many youths are addicted to these videos and cannot leave them,and also they cannot marry.Day by day their sexual desires.. More

  • Intending to Return to her Ex-husband

    Aslaam alaikum Shaykh 1. I Read the case of Riffaa Al Quraizi ( ra ) that he divorced his Wife and she Married Abdur Rehman ibn Az zubayr( ra ) just to become permissible to to her first husband I am strongly confused that this Marriage is Not a Tahleel because Intention on the part of Woman does not count but how it is OK for a woman to use Another.. More

  • Conditional Divorce

    Please give me detail and new answer for the sake of Allah as my whole life and well-being of me and my family is at stake. Please don't send previous links. Me and my husband had a case of conditional divorce which would be effective if I said a particular phrase. It would apply as many times as I said it. My husband does not have a infallible memory... More

  • No Harm for Your Father and his Wife to Come and Stay with You

    As salaamu alaikum. My father remarried about 3 years ago to a Christian woman. I have zero ideas if he married her Islamically. I am only aware that he married her through the court here in USA. I live with his family, while he and his "wife" lives about 30 minutes away. He recently said that he and his wife may be staying at our place this coming.. More

  • Property Requested to be Effective after Death

    Assalaamu 'alaykumMy parents have registered their property in my sisters' and my name and made us the owners of their property according to a ratio which has been agreed upon by my sisters and me. But our parents want us to consume our respective shares only after they die. My sisters have willingly agreed to that. But I feel kind of reluctant to wait.. More

  • Committing Adultery after being Separated from Husband

    I send you this question because I searched everywhere I did not find the answer on this case. Here is the case: the woman committed adultery by having separated from her husband for 6 months. She wanted to return to her husband and took a pill that aims to block or delay ovulation but also to prevent implantation. She took it to be sure she was not.. More

  • Condemning attacks against homosexuals - competing for prize money

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have asked you a question on taking help from homosexuals for common human rights in the West, where homosexuality is allowed. You said that it is generally allowed to take help from them in the causes which benifit the Muslim community. I have another question: A year ago there was an attack on a homosexual club. This attack is.. More

  • Husband's intention is determining factor in promise of divorce

    Assalaamu alaykum. I asked you about my issue before, but I did not get a clear answer; please give me a clear answer regarding my issue because it is urgent as my husband is coming to talk to me. My question was that my sisters and brothers-in-laws abuse me very badly, so I told my husband that I will not cook food for them. Then my husband said that.. More

  • Covering area under chin as part of hijaab

    Assalaamu alaikum. Thank you for referring me to fatwa No. 95515 once more and requesting me to resend my question more clearly. I have gone through it again, but my confusion about the area under the chin mentioned in the fatwa persists, mainly because I have been reading conflicting opinions by many scholars/websites that say that it is not required.. More