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5673 fatwas

  • Using thick cloth instead of condom

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please help me regarding below issues becuase I am in a lot of stress regarding whether I am sinning or not. Please, do reply, because I could not find an exact answer in any fatwas on this site. I do not climax during intercourse with my husband; the way I climax is by rubbing my vagina against his body without touching it with my.. More

  • Signing delegation of divorce

    My question is regarding words of divorce said by the wife to her husband. During my marriage, neither I nor my father put forth any conditions. During the verbal marriage proposal and acceptance, nothing was said about my right to divorce. Afterwards, when my husband was told to sign the marriage registration form, he read it in full. One thing caught.. More

  • Daughter travelling abroad to study

    Respected Shaikh, assalaamu alaikum. Please give me the direct answer to my important question below. (Links are not appropriate sometimes.) My daughter's application in Qatar University for a bachelor's degree was not accepted due to a lack of capacity. I wanted to keep her with myself and my family, so we were very interested in Qatar University,.. More

  • Talking to non-Mahram online to learn language

    Assalaamu alaykum, Brother. I have a question and a request for you; please do not suggest other related fatwas, Shaykh. There is a website where people practice/learn English with their language partner. I am also learning English there and have found a female language partner. Is it halal for me to communicate with her just for practice? I do not.. More

  • Whether husband has share in divorced wife's property

    My husband divorced me and is now asking for his share from the houses which I bought while I was with him. Is he Islamically allowed to ask for his share? I have also heard that alimony is haram in Islam; is that true? .. More

  • Husband steals from stores

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is about theft (stealing). My husband works for a couple of bakeries (one in a supermarket, and the other is a private one). From the supermarket, he usually brings fruits (a few) and tells me that he salvaged them because they are reduced produce that is going bad very soon and which the supermarket will throw away. From.. More

  • Marriage without bride's consent invalid

    Good day. I was married last January of this year, but my marriage was done by force, without my consent and my parents' consent. The man was my boyfriend before, and I really do not want to marry him. What happened is that he brought me to the ruler of our barangay without my knowledge or by force. After the ceremony, I escaped from our barangay and.. More

  • Division of overnight stay between co-wives

    Assalaamu alaykum. If one has two wives, can he distribute his time between them in the following manner: he will stay one week/one month with one wife in her allocated home and not meet the other wife in this period. Then he will spend the same number of days with the other wife. When staying with one wife in this manner, can he be in regular contact.. More

  • Refraining from marriage in non-Muslim country for fear of persecution

    Is it permissible for a man to marry when a potential Muslim husband, wife, and children may be exposed to grave danger, dishonor, and even death, due to their religion, and the husband may not be able to protect them, as in the US? Specifically, can you provide examples of marriages between Muslims who did not have the protection of a powerful tribe.. More

  • Wife not entitled to know in-laws' secrets

    Assalaam alaykum, Shaykh. I pray this message finds you in the best of health and faith. I would like to request your time to answer a family question which has been troubling for some time. You have always been very helpful; thus I come to you again. May Allaah reward you for all your efforts. My parents sometimeswish to speak to me alone regarding.. More

  • Why Umm Habeebah wore yellow perfume after her father's death

    Hello, I would like to ask about part of the description of the battle of Yarmuk: “When the news of his death was carried to his daughter, Umm Habeebah, she waited until the third day, on which she ordered some yellow paint and covered with it her arms and face, saying, ‘I would not have done that had I not heard the Prophet say, 'A woman should.. More

  • Case of conditional triple divorce

    Assalaamu alaykum. My wife and I have been arguing on and off over the past few months. Two months ago, we had a really big argument, whereafter she forced me to take an oath in orderto reconcile. It was a conditional divorce which she made me repeat after her - if I do something, at any time, which she thinks is wrong and hurts her or of which I know.. More

  • Proposing to a baby girl in jest

    Please help me. A girl was born, and a father declared to a boy (who was a little grown up) that if he gave him one cent, then the girl was his (as a proposal). So the boy hurriedly accepted and gave the money. Now they grew up, and the boy is older and has married another girl, bet he still calling that girl his wife-to-be and irritates the girl's.. More

  • Attraction towards a certain race

    Is attraction to a race forbidden or permissible in Islam? .. More

  • Whether wife is obliged to cook for husband

    Assalaamu alaykum. I heard that our mother, Eve, used to cook for our father, Adam, peace be upon him. Is there any authentic source that confirms this? Should wives cook for their husbands? .. More