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5673 fatwas

  • Wife has right to live in residence separate from in-laws

    Assalaamu alaykum. I told my husband that, acording to Islam, a married woman has the right to have her own home, meaning that she gets to live alone with her husband in peace, without somebody from his family living with them and causing trouble. His response was that if that is true, then why did the Prophet's daughter, Faatimah, live with her mother-in-law.. More

  • A husband saying to his wife

    Assalaamu alaykum. During a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, "If you are not satisfied, you may take the decision." Does the husband have any right to say that? Has the husband given any right by saying it? Please answer the question according to the Hanafi Fiqh. .. More

  • Touched mother's private part as child

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question for my closed friend. At the age of 9 or 10 (3rd or 4th grade), he slept with his mother. Due to the bad society they live in, he learned about sexual intercoursein schooletc., so one night, while he was sleeping with his mother, he touched the private part of his mother with lust (at the age mention above) while.. More

  • Husband does not pray and prevents wife from visiting parents

    I am from Iran (I am Sunni-Hanafi), but I was born and brought up in Dubai. I have been living in Iran ever since my marriage. I did not want to marry my husband but was guilt-tripped into it by my parents. There is a 10-year age gap between us, and we are bothreally different. I was brought up in a religious family, and his family is so fancy. We really.. More

  • Woman's in-laws have no right in her money

    Assalaamu alaykum. I married my husband out of my own consent. He is from a different state within India and hence from a different culture. Soon after marriage, his family asked me to take a loan of four lakhs by pawning four lakhs that my father had given me at the time of my marriage, which I did. Soon after, they asked me to pay back two lakhs that.. More

  • Woman traveling without Mahram for necessity

    If a woman has migrated to a land to save her religion, honour, and life, and stays alone, but she has the nationality and passport of the land where she migrated from and the passport needs to be renewed, can she travel back to that land for this purpose and then return back without a Mahramto the new land if she does not have a trustworthy Mahram.. More

  • Allowing wife to work on condition she provides for herself

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a wife wants to work, is it ok if the husband lets her work in exchange of her exempting him from her financial maintenance by him? The husband gives her two options: 1) not work 2) work, but she will be responsible for her maintenance. .. More

  • Metaphors of divorce according to four Schools of Fiqh

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding metaphorical divorce. I read that the terms “speak to your parents" and “I think you are better off without me" during an argument are metaphors for divorce. However, I am confused as to how theycan be considered metaphors of divorce when no statement of seperation has been made such as “leave”.. More

  • Greeting female cousins for 'Eed

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatulallaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. The main focus of my question is: can my husban talk to his female cousins on the phone to wish them a blessed eid or not given that Eid Al-Fitr is on the way, Allah willing. Please, Shaykh, if you can give me advice or proof related to the Quran and the Sunnah, Allah willing, then with the.. More

  • Buying certain clothes because non-Mahram girl likes them

    Assalaamu alaykum. I had a friend who complemented a hoodie that I was wearing. Because of this, I bought more hoodies like the one I wore. I think that I bought them to impress her; I bought them because I liked them, but I did have her in my mind when I bought them. I have totally blocked her out of my life and discovered that her name had a meaning.. More

  • Taking wife back after Khul’

    Assalaamu alaykum. Shaykh, three years ago, my husband divorced me on my demand (Khul‘ [divorce requested by the wife in return for financial compensation]). He took me back the same day. Then we had a second Khul‘ about one year ago; he again took me back; this time on the second day. I did not go court to finish my marriage at the time. We did.. More

  • Woman covering face only when Fitnah is feared

    I am a 40-year-old average-looking Indian woman who wears the full hijab with conservative, modest clothing. I usually, but not always, wear abayas. I do not wear the niqab and believe that it is not obligatory but rather highly recommended and commendable. However, due to some personal reasons, I am not able to wear it yet. Nevertheless, when I face.. More

  • Asking for divorce on account of groom's inability to have intercourse

    My son got married three months ago. He could however, not perform his marital act because of psychological issues. We have consulted an urologist as well as a psychologist; they both say that there is no issue with the boy and that it is just anxiety, which is treatable. The girl's parents, however, insist on a divorce. I need answers to the following.. More

  • Watching football matches / Women visiting sick men

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding watching football matches. One of the reasons I have found scholars prohibiting watching football matches is because of the exposal of the ‘Awrah (what should be covered of the body) of the players. However, as far as I have found through research, the ‘Awrah of today's footballers is hardly exposed... More

  • No authentic evidence that slave women used to walk around bare-breasted

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a revert to Islam, praise be to Allah. However, I have heard about an issue which troubles me. The issue is regarding slave women walking around bare-breasted in Madinah in the time of ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him. This is also mentioned by Hamza Yusuf in one of his talks as he mentions a fact. Please provide insight.. More