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5673 fatwas

  • Documenting revoked divorce is not second divorce

    I divorced my wife in anger at home, and we had sexual intercourse the same night. About a week later, we decided to do that divorce in court in order to avoid the punishments of divorcing at home, because in our country if a divorce takes place outside the court, there are several punishments. Therefore, we decided go to court and do the divorce in.. More

  • Visiting neighbor living with boyfriend

    Assalaamu alaykum. What is the fatwa regarding visiting my neighbour when her boyfriend that lives with her is in the house but in another room. Is it permisible, or should I avoid visits when he is present? Thank you very much, and may Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Husband treats sister-in-law better than wife

    Assalaamu alaykum. My husband treats my sister better than me whenever she is around. If I am displeased with her actions and tell him, he would said somthing in messages and then sneek around to talk to her asking her what upset her and then yell at me that it is my fault. I caught him looking at her with desire a while back. He blamed it on the devil,.. More

  • Signing divorce paper not divorce

    Assalaamu alaykum. My wife and I were not staying together due to a family fight. She did not come back to my house and has been staying at her father's house for the last eight months. We have one daughter who is four years old. I sent her a divorce notice through the court. In that notice, my lawyer falsely mentioned that I have given her three divorces.. More

  • Concealing non-Arab identity to gain respect

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I am a non-Arab woman, but I try not to reveal that I am non-Arab when I fear that if I reveal that, by speaking English or Urdu, or by my dress, etc., I maybe mistreated, abused, disrespected, made fun of, or being flirted with, by men. I have lived life with these experiences, and I hesistate.. More

  • Injustice between wives in overnight stay

    Assalaamu alaykum. In Sweden, there are a lot of brothers who are married to several wives, especially in a city called Gothenburg, where, sadly, this type of marriage has almost become like a fashion thing where brothers compete in who can have more wives. This thing is also very common among the brothers who are famous around Sweden , meaning imams,.. More

  • Wife wants more children but husband wants to delay that

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. My husband and I have been married for almost 9 years and have three children who are 4, 6, and 7 years old. My children and I live in an Islamic country, and my husband works in a non-Muslim country and tries to save money so we can reunite again, and we do not know when that will be. My children and I have been living abroad.. More

  • Feeling attracted towards his mother

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Sometimes I feel attracted towards my mother. I feel disgusted with myself, but this is not under my control. What should I do when I feel like this? I want the feeling to go away. .. More

  • Marrying pregnant woman in her ‘Iddah

    Assalaamu alaykum, shaykh. I have a question that bothers me a lot. It is about family; what is the ruling on a person marrying a pregnant woman during her ‘Iddah (waiting period) of her late husband? When the person married her while she was pregnant and his children and first wife told him that the woman whom he married was pregnant to her late.. More

  • Girl traveling with maternal uncle and his grown-up sons

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. If my uncle (maternal) is going on a trip with his grown-up sons and they have asked my mum to ask me if I would like to go along with another female cousin of mine, is this permissible? I hardly spend time with my uncle but have been on a trip abroad with him and other family members in the past. I would like to go.. More

  • Wife does not satisfy husband in bed

    I have been maried for 14 years. My wife cannot satisfy me in the bed. Everything I want is ok in Islam, like normal sex and oral sex. She does not like oral sex. She does not want to pleasure me while she has her period. She does not want to be naked with me alone in the bedroom. She does not like to spoon in bed. She comes with excuses. She does not.. More

  • Authorizing wife to issue divorce

    Salaam Shaykh. I would like to first thank you for the excellent service which you provide, and you have really benefitted me .I have an important question which I need clarification on in detail, please. The issue of the husband giving the wife the authority to divorce herself is slightly confusing me. I read through these following fataawa and have.. More

  • Divorcing wife ‘fraction’ of divorce

    Can a person give one divorce in fractions, like, for example, by giving one divorce and half of a second divorce? My understanding is that you give one, two, or three divorces and there is no such thing as half a divorce. Please answer. .. More

  • Marriage ceremony in annual meeting of Tableeghi Jama'at

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Honorable Scholars, I want to know about the authenticity of a marriage ceremony held at an annual meeting of the Tablighi Jama'at. There are many bachelors who attend it, and their marriage is contracted togetherat this occasion by a judge. Is it correct to contract a marriage in this way? .. More

  • Spouses staying away from each other to keep spark alive

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read an article backed by scientific evidence on psychology that in long-term relationships like marriages, living apart most of the time keeps the spark alive for couples. I also feel the same. Can one try this sort of things to make their married life interesting and exciting, like by sending the wife to her parent's home and.. More