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5673 fatwas

  • Whether to renew work contract abroad or return to wife

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have one question. I am married, but two years ago, I went to Saudi Arabia to get a job, and I am getting a good salary. Before coming to Saudi Arabia, my seven-month-old daughter died, and my finacial condition was not good at that time.My wife was also undergoing some depression, so I requested my wife to allow me to go to Saudi.. More

  • Fearing that son's fiancée carries cancer gene

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a 51-year-old Muslim lady with an adult son who recently had an engagement break-up with a girl for a personal reason of their own. A month after this incident, my son's friend introduced him to another girl, who is of a sound and religious background,for marriage. My son approached myself and his father so we got in touch with.. More

  • Girl going to market to buy books

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykhs. I am a woman. It is my hobby to read good books. I like to read physical books and I also like to read on the internet. The markets of our country are not free from free-mixing. I do not frequently go out from the home for an unnecessary reason. Can I go to bookstores in order to buy good books while wearing a proper hijab,.. More

  • Changing surname 'Mujawar'

    Assalaamu alaykum. My surname is Mujawar. In our region, a Mujawar is someone who sits at graves of Awliyaa (so-called 'saints') and offers various kinds of services to the grave and grave visitors. Should I change my surname? .. More

  • ‘Let us part’ is not explicit wording of divorce

    Dear Brother/Sister, while reading some fatawa online, I came across Dr Zakir Naik's statement below: There are five types of divorce in Islam – The first type is by unilateral… by unilateral agreement, between the husband and wife – Both may say… ‘Okay, we are not compatible… let us part’. Can you explain this type of divorce. In.. More

  • Stepfather wali for stepdaughter

    Can the Stepfather be the Wali (legal guardian) in his stepdaughter's marriage? .. More

  • Gathering boys and girls in one class due to small numbers

    I live in a non-Muslim country and try to help the Muslim youth (age 12-16) to save their faith in this society (which contains a lot of promiscuity, pre-marital relations, alcohol, and so on). Once a week, I gather some Muslim youth for a small lecture (usually about the biography of our beloved Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and they are.. More

  • Claiming that mother or wife are entitled to man's income is false

    Assalaamu alaykum, Sir. There is a belief in some Muslim families in India that the son's income should completely go to his mother or wife. Then whenever he needs anything, he should ask it from them, and thus they manage the family. They got this belief from the Hindus, and I really hate it. My mother believes it too, and my grandma said that she.. More

  • Attributing oneself to maternal grandfather to gain fame

    In our country's suburbs, some political people use their maternal grandfather's name because their maternal grandfather is a well-known political personality, so they use his name to pursue their career into politics and entice people to give them the vote based on the name of their ancestry. What is the punishment in Islam for those people who use.. More

  • Providing accommodation for first and second wives

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I have a very important question regarding polygamy. I have spoken to my wife about marrying another wife; she is not happy but seems to have accepted it, so I am going to need to find out a few things regarding spending and housing before becoming serious about this. Currently, I have tried.. More

  • Breastfeeding baby after undergoing abortion

    Can I breastfeed my baby after having had an abortion? Please guide me. My baby is seven months old. .. More

  • Man obliged to spend on wife and unmarried daughters

    Assalaamu alaykum. My father is not spending on my mother, who has been critically ill for a long time. Actually, ever since our childhood, he is just providing food and also provides education to us; he never gives any money for other things like clothing or other needs. I am married now, and he did not gave me a single penny for my marriageas he told.. More

  • Khul' without compensation is divorce

    Assalaamu alaykum. My husband divorced me because I asked for a Khul' (divorce requested by the wife in which she is to return the bridal gift)but without compensation, so it was a simple divorce and we did not know that at that time. We thought that it was a good Khul'done correctly, but no. So I had to wait three months for my ‘Iddah (post-divorce.. More

  • Divorcing wife again during her ‘Iddah

    Assalaamu alaykum. When a husband divorced his wife and then pronounces a second divorce during the ‘Iddah (post-divorce waiting period), should the wife add a new ‘Iddah of three months from the moment when the second divorce was pronounced, or should she finish the same ‘Iddah that she started with the first divorce? For example: he divorced.. More

  • Naming boy Muqeet Abdullah

    Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to ask which name is better as a baby name, Abdul Muqeet or Muqeet Abdullah? I like Muqeet Abdullah but want your guidance. May Allaah reward you. .. More