My mother-in-law lives with us. She lives downstairs and we live upstairs in the same house. Her door is always open and we can see her anytime we wish. Her apartment is bigger than us. Our apartment is very small. If you come out of the bedroom or the bathroom, you are in living room. Recently, she has been sick with a cough, and she says that it gets.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. It is urgent, please help me. I started dating my husband in 2009 and we got married in 2011, in secret, without the consent of my parents. The marriage was carried out in an Islamic way, but since there was no one from my side, his uncle was my guardian. Before marriage, he used to abuse me and my family, but I thought that he would.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My husband is encouraging our daughter to date and later marry a non-Muslim man that she met. We have been fighting over this. At this point, I feel that I want to leave him, and I cannot bear the idea of having marital relations with him. What is the position of Islam on this? Wassalaam.
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Assalaamu alaykum. My family and I left the West to live in a Muslim country. I asked Allaah that if leaving the West was good for us, our religion, and our livelihood, to show it in my dream. I saw in my dreams that we made twoHijrahs(emigrations). I recognised the first country (where we at now), but not the one of the second Hijrah. My question is.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Ever since we got married ten years ago, my wife has always been fighting with me because she never listens nor obeys me. She always argues and she is wrongmost of the time. She has three kids, but she became even crazier after that, and she cannot stand them and always beats them. Every summer, she runs to her family with the kids.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am contacting you regarding my marriage. I am 19 years old. Coming August I will have been married for a year. I was forced into the marriage by my father. I married my first cousin. I lived with him for about four months and then went back to the US for school. During my whole marriage, he never spent a dollar on me. All the money.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I recently got married, although my marriage did not last very long. I married and agreed to a very high bridal gift with the family (21,000 dollars). There was an agreement between my wife and me that this would be paid back to me after entering the marriage. This agreement was made before the marriage. After two months, we divorced.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Sheikh. In pakistani culture, if the husband says, 'I divorce you', it would count as a divorce no matter what his intentions were. However, if a husband did not pronouce the word Talaaq (divorce) completely, like for example, he said 'Talaa' or 'Talq' (skipping the letter Alif) instead, would that still count as a divorce? If he.. More
Dear Brother/Sister, assalaamu alaykum. Can you let me know whether the following is allowed or not: A husband telling his wife that he is her worst enemy; whenever they fight, he reminds his wife about enmity. Is there a link between doing this and divorce? Thank you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. One of our sisters got married six years ago and is with children. Unfortunately, she had sexual intercourse with another man about three weeks prior to the wedding ceremony. After the wedding and at the end of the month, she could not see her period and thus realized that something had happened. Two months later, she had a miscarriage.. More
Assalaamu alaykom wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I want to create a website for selling and buying, which needs a physical meeting with clients and sellers, and I have my sister to do this work. Is it halal or haram for my sister to meet strangers for work? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum, dear Brother or Sister. I am new on this website, and I hope that you can help me with my situation. I applogize for my bad English and mistakes in writing. I am a married women and have a daughter from a previous marriage. The man whom I married is already married and has four kids. I knew this before marrying him; at that time,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah, respected Mufti. My query is: who should pay the expenditures if one's wife is studying (like Medicine for women and child health) and she does not have a job? Is it included in spending on her? Or does the wife have to return this to the husband? May Allaah reward you well.
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The book Great Women of Islam Who Were Given the Good News of Paradise by Darussalam details a lot of areas in which the female Companions of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,participated and actively contributed in cooperation with their male compatriots such as in the fields of religion, politics, education, fine arts, industry, trade,.. More
I am going through a depression. I want to ask; I got married on the phone without witnesses and without my guardian's consent. There was only the offer and acceptance on the phone, and no one heard it except us, and we agreed that it would be a secret. I know that such marriage is not valid. Then, one day, we had a fight, and he told my mom about the.. More