Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholar. Can a Muslim marry an Indian Christian woman? Are Indian Christians part of Ahl Al-Kitaab, that is, the People of the Book? I am asking because their origin is not really Christian; their parents or ancestors were Hindu or belonged to other religions.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have heard that being called by the names of Allaah, such as ‘Rahmaan’, is shirk (polytheism). I know that Abdul Rahman is one of the best names for us, and a lot of people have this name, but in two parts. Living in the West, an individual may write his first name as ‘Abdul’ and his surname as ‘Rahman’ in forms. This.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is there a problem if a child that has not yet reached the age of seven (maybe three, four, or five years old) performs the movements of the prayer, without having performed ablution,in a rowin the mosque or at home, in order to instill love of the prayer in the child?
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Assalaamu alaykum. What is hurmat musaharah (nullifiction of marriage due to, for example, a mother touching her son with lust)? This is said to nullify the marriage of his parents. What proof is there for this?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have six children and my husband has four from his ex-wife. My husband is a guest in my home as he works out. I get to see him for a weekend once a month or two weeks every three months at most. His ex-wife has sent their adult kids to live with me without asking our permission, they just showed up one day. Well, I guess it is their.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. We know that using the name Ar-Rahmaan is forbidden, but is it permissible to call a person just Rahman without the definite article 'Ar'? Is it not the same as naming a person ‘Azeez, which is applicable to both Allaah and people? Also, is it permissible to call a woman Ilaaha, which means female goddess? If not, then how should.. More
Your Question is: Salaam, in the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful. A woman applied for divorce in a UK court and when the husband received the petition from the court he said that he was going to contest the divorce. He paid the fees to the court and returned the paper work to the court saying that he was defending the case. The court then set a date.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. In the name of Allaah, I got married a second time with a son of my first husband living with me and my second husband. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, I took a khul' and now have another son from second husband who is one month old. I want to keep both sons with me, but my father refused.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My question is the following: I am 21 years old and single, my parents are looking for proposals for me since two years, but they have not come across anyone that suits me. Whenever they contact the opposite party and send my biodata, they do not reply. This has been happening for two years now. I feel.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. May Allaah's blessing be on you, and may Allaah reward you for everything that you are doing. Shaykh, my question is a little difficult. I said to my wife, "I divorce you, I divorce you, and I divorce you," in anger over the phone. It was not planned or anything. I called her and we were fighting about something, and I said, "I will.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissable to stay in your parent's house after marriage with your wife keeping in mind that there are other brothers also living in the house and that it is small house, not a big one? I am asking because my brother has brought his wife to life with us in my parent's house and does not want to move out, and his wife, my sister-in-la.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I got my answer, but I read in Behesti Johor that if a son touches his step-mother with lust, then the son's father and step-mother's relation will be haram forever. Is that true? If a son touches his biological mother with lust, does that ruin the son's father and mother's relation? I was born muslim. Please give me the answer according.. More
I have less sexual desire, after all my efforts within the available circumstances, I can not have intercourse more than twice a week. My husband did a second marriage as he has a very strong sexual desire that is not fulfilled by me. I just want to ask whether after this second marriage, I will still be cursed by angels if I refuse my husband. Am I.. More
What does Islamic fiqh say about getting a caesarean section willingly? If any doctor stresses to get it without any risk for the wife or baby, is it legal in Islam?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I am a Muslim. I am in love with a girl who is a Sunni Muslim. My love for her is pure and I want to marry her. When I approached her mother, she denied me straight away, but when I again approached her, she agreed but said that we would have to wait one year. After a year, when I approached her, she said that her daughter did not.. More