Assalamu alaykum. I am mother with two children and I am nurse. My husband has uttered divorce by another word without the intention. Eight years ago, I was on duty and my duty finished but because still I had a patient for an operation I could not go home early. My husband called me and insisted that I go home. I tried to explain, but he insisted... More
I have a shirki (related to polytheism) nickname, Rabbi (my lord), which was given to me by my cousin in my childhood. My relatives and neighbours only call me with that name. Most of the people of our society are ignorant, they do not know about Tawheed (pure monotheism), Asma ul Husna (the Names of Allaah), and so on. They called my grandfather Rahman.. More
Asalaamu alaykum Brother. I married a woman who reverted to islam recently. Immediately after marriage, her behavior started to change: a few weeks after marriage, I discovered that she is addicted to some drugs that affect her sleeping pattern, psychology, and behavior, one of the drugs she used was called an “antidepressant”, and there is also.. More
Dear Scholar. I was talking to my mother-in-law and informed her that my husband gave me one divorce and that now two are left. My husband was sitting with me and said, "Divorce happened," confirming the previous divorce that he gave me. I asked him again what he meant and he said that he was referring to the previous incidence in which I claimed that.. More
The son of my wife from her ex-husband lives with us. He is nine years old. Her ex-husband bought a mobile phone for the son so that he could call the son anytime he likes and talk to him. He also claimed to teach him Quran even though I am paying for his Quran lessons. I did not allow the boy to have the phone in my house, which creates problems between.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My mother breastfed my oldest sister and this boy, Ally, together. So I believe they are brother and sister. I was born many many years after. Ally got married and has a daughter. I would like to marry Ally's daughter. Am I allowed to marry Ally's daughter given that her father shared milk with my sister? Thank you.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Respected scholar, I got married the first time in 2008; due to misunderstandings and arguments, he pronounced a triple divorce in anger, so I got separated from him. I got married to another person in 2009. Before marriage, he said that he has some sexual problem, which I am fine with. I feared Allaah.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a very rough marriage. My husband is part of Jamaa'at At-Tabligh, and I am strictly against this group. He was not a part of this group before marriage, and my parents and I were guaranteed this. He has become an active member of this group and it has caused him to degrade me. When I asked why I was falsely told about his activities.. More
She lives with her husband, her husband mistreated her badly, has given her divorce twice, and always threatens her with the third divorce. She always lives her life in fear and now her heart has become completely cold towards her husband, and she wants to request a khul’ (type of divorce requested by the wife). She cannot live with him anymore because.. More
Dear Scholar. I am a married woman. When we got married, my parents gave me several properties because of the custom of our time. Now we live abroad. Whenever my husband needs money, he takes from it and spends it for his family. I did not take anything from that money myself, but he spends on me. I live abroad and he does not give me money to spend.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have a friend who is a non-Muslim and has a one-year-old son with a muslim man, and the son bears his father's name. They could not get married before she got pregnant because her divorce with her ex-husband, which is also a non-muslim, was still not finalized. Another reason is that she did not have money to file for a divorce.. More
Imagine there is a woman (properly dressed in full hijab) with two to three non-mahram (marriageable) men in a room. What should be the minimum distance (in meter/feet or whatever) between any of the men and the woman?
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I have been married for six years; during this time, I divorced her twice, but we reconciled. Three months ago, she left the country to meet her parents, and we kept in touch via the internet. We had an argument a month ago and have not been talking since. Then something happened, and I got very angry and sent her a message that I will divorce her (meaning.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My question is regarding a conditional promise of divorce. If the phrase is in the future it counts as a promise of divorce. What if a man says, "I would have already left you if you did this." In this case, if the wife did the action, is divorce effective?
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