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What is the meaning of Silat ur Rahem? With whom we should keep and regard the relations of Rahim? Please give me the details.
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Should I keep visiting my male cousin as often as I visit my sister or aunt or daughter especially if that cousin is away from Islam? Is it okay to stay away from him to avoid Fitna? I've told him to change his ways but he does not?My aunt (wife of my father's brother) is 55 yrs old, she has lots of sons; one of them is my age. When she visits my.. More
What are the rights/duties of man in terms of monetary help, etc., to be provided to father and mother, wife and brothers and sisters, if any, and in-laws?
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What's mean of keeping good ties of kinship in Islam? Is it to have relations with family members or to live always with family? Is to live in ones own house when we are single mean that we cut ties of kinship or not?.. More
What is the importance of maintaining family ties specially with a son, daughter or with parents? Kindly give answer with relevant Hadiths and Verses from Qur'an.
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I would like to ask a question relating to financial support for the husband's family. For example, the husband is from a very large but poor family, he is living in a European country with his wife and two children (both man and wife work). Despite the large family in his home country the family ends to rely on his financial support on a regular basis... More
I am in a very difficult situation. I am the middle son in a family whose ties have been almost severed with my mother's side of the family (whom I love very much) due to a divorce. Which happened because my sister's bad health. Now my grandmother or some of my uncles or aunties are preventing us from reuniting with them. I tried to talk with my father.. More
What are the rights of wife, children, brothers, sisters and parents on the man at the time when all of them are alive?
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Aslam O Alikum I have two real uncles living in Canada, When I first come here they treated me poorly. I didn't say anything and feared Allah and honured my parents, but now that I have established myself, they compete and say awful things. I try to avoid them all the time. I don't call them or visit them because every time I do something goes wrong.. More
I have an aunt who lived in America for more than 20 years, who refuses to learn how to pray. Am I allowed to love her and show her my concern? I tried to tell her that God may forgive all sins. She answered that she has no sins. Should I ignore her, or try once more to talk to her gently?
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