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Salam o Alaikum. I have a question regarding severing ties with kinship. Actually what happened was that one day my male cousin was asking me for my number. Feeling that this was just too much I tried to divert the conversation and was able to not give it to him. He became a little sad at this. But he came to know that I was not interested in him. Few.. More
If a widow is disobeying Allah by cutting relations with parents of her deceased husband and not allowing her son to meet his grand fathers and uncles. Further she is grooming her child in such a way that he thinks his fathers' family as his enemy. The reason was that she married brother of her deceased husband secretly and when people of her family.. More
asalamu alaikum wa rahamatulla, sheikh,my elder brother who is 33 years old, had got married against my parents wishes.he got married to a christian women .. seven years ago he fell in love with this women ,he expressed his desire to marry her,but my parents got angry and expressed their denial and said if he marries her then he should leave us. adviced.. More
Asalam Alaykum My brother and I are on very bad terms. He is being very judgemental and constantly insists on hurting my feelings by sterotyping me. For example he says you are like so and so (negative things). Then he claims that he is saying that for my own good. Also my mother always sides with him. Now it is also ruining my relationship with her... More
i done marriage in 2001 with khala daughter . she is elder then me 4 years. her mother is died. i am living in jeddah with mother and wife . i have three daughters . my father also died . my question is this she hate my mother . because before marriage she think that some family problem create from my mother. therefore she hate her. i told her respect.. More
Assalamu alykum sir, I am 17 yrs old and my cousin big brother is about 21 yrs old we both used to play cricket on the roof and sometimes ball falls down by the hit of the bat. the one who hits the ball has to bring the ball from the ground. now when my big cousin brother hit the ball and it goes down he use to ask me to bring the ball. is this correct.. More
As Salamu Alaykum. I broke relations with my brother, who is not a Muslim, due to his wife and my husband flirting with each other. Before I took this measure, I explained to my sister in-law that we Muslims do not mix or talk to the opposite gender unless there is a need for it, yet my husband despite my advice kept talking to her freely and even ignoring.. More
i have a step mother and mother. my mother live with mother and my step mother live with elder mother, but she was not adjusted there. then we sent our step mother to elder 1st cousin where she lives happily. what are the rights of step mother on us in our property and maal etc .. More
Dear Mufti Saheb. My father died almost 15 years back. Now, when I asked for my share in my father's property, all my family members including my mother, sisters and brothers have boycotted me and my husband and my two children. We are treated as outclass. The share in my father's property was given to me, but with a clause that they all have nothing.. More
Assalamu-alaykum, I know my husbands first duty,obedience and respect is to his mother as mine is to him in all things compliant with Shariah off-course,but what I would like to know from a purely islamic point of view is if my mother-inlaw has her own house in another town,and she comes to visit and stay be her sons house anywhere between one week.. More
Assalamu alaikum, this few past years until now, my mother and me most of the time having hard time regarding my brother. My brother is already married, have 2 sons and still living with us. He had a good job and a good income. Not that I am jealous of my brother for the reason that almost 10 years he is relying so much to us in terms of daily expenses.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on the mother who treats her daughter-in-law badly and plans to make her life miserable. That woman does not feel shame to falsely accuse her daughter-in-law of any accusation. She does so to get her son’s love for herself only. What should the son do when his mother asks him to punish his guiltless wife?
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I have a shop which my son is directly in charge of. The shop needs repairs that would cost a sum of money. My son is an honest person with regards to money. He is active, fears Allaah and does not take drugs or commit sins – as far as I know. We have a good reputation, praise be to Allaah, and everything in the shop is lawful. However, my son does.. More
As Salam Alaikum, For the past 10 yrs my husband's parents have been insisting to the point of demanding that my husband bear the expenses of their younger lazy, healthy, normal, adult son & his family along with them & their unmarried daughter. They have spent almost all their own money on their lazy son & now want my husband to bear all.. More
I am single Muslim, I have many complicated issues, I have problems with my parents, and my family, and I struggle with my homosexuality since a long time (15 years ago), I was a sinner, but I try hard to repent and keep holding my faith with Iman & Sabr. I studied about Homosexuality and I knew it has roots to the nurture and parents and family.. More
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