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Assalamu alaikum, A sister is asking the following question: What should a daughter do if she finds out that her father has another child but no one knows about it? JazakAllahu khayran. .. More
My situation is that my father is currently in jail, living with my grandmother(Father's mother). The issue is that my Step-mother has abused my Father(Currently still-married to her) over the phone whilst he is in jail, and has wasted part of my Father's wealth without his permission on needless un-Islamic clothing's, materials and her own families.. More husband is a born muslim but his mother is a non muslim...his father is muslim but is more like a munafiquin...Alhumdullilah my husband has learned islam after marriage and is practicing sunnah in every stage...i dislike my in laws a lot and find it very hard to respect them..they are old and its our duty to take care of husband loves.. More
Salaam, i recently had a quarrel with a friend about an issue. the issue was that he was saying that a husband's relatives (excluding parents) have a higher status/ should be more important to a wife than her own relatives(excluding parents). My stance was that they hold the same status or importance to a wife. Kindly let me know whose stance is right.. More
As Salaam o Alaikom, I married against my parents which I regret now but my in laws supported me and my husband and were a part of our nikah. My husband was brought up by his grand parents who paseed away long before our marriage. Later when my parents inquired about our marriage my in laws promised to take responsibility of both me and my husband and.. More
This question is to help my wife to make right decision. I have serious problems with my in-laws. My brother-in-law cheated me and stolen my money. My father-in-law tried to fool me to get money out of my bank but I managed to safeguard myself. My father-in-law is a kind of guy who did many Umrahs and 3 times Hajj but no hesitation to take Riba. Infact.. More
As-salamu-alaikum mufti,our father-in-law has remarried after our mother-in-laws death,a lady of his own choice(uneducated,widow,issue less) and asked all of his children to look out for their own way of livelihood and to live separately, and that he will lead his life of his own choice. By Allah's mercy&grace we are all working&leaving.. More
assalamalaikum dear brothers, I'd like to ask you: my uncle (brother of my dad) who is financially well-off is trying to illegally accquire the house of my dad in our home country.we live abroad.he threatens my dad on the phone and now has started to use abusive language which is very difficult for my dad to tolerate, should one be.. More
Are parents-in-law to be accorded more respect/love/honor than own parents? Are in-laws' more important than own blood relatives like cousins, uncles, aunts, etc??.. More
Assalamualaikom my brothers in Islam. I would like to know the fatwa of having stepmother, which happened to be a mother's biological sister, who is drastically treating her nephew and her nephew's wife because she was against of the marriage. The worst of it is she had convinced her sisters to be against their own nephew. On the otherside, the.. More
I do not like my sister because she violates the commands of the Sharee‘ah and I know that she does not like me either. However, I maintain ties of kinship with her despite the fact that I do not like her. Do I bear guilt for this?.. More
I live in a joint family. This joint family of ours includes the family of my father's sister also. I try to respect my aunt, i.e my father's sister and her whole family as much as possible, but my uncle, i.e my aunt's husband always calls me for any kind of his work whenever he feels like or needs, even when I don't feel like going. He and his children.. More
ASSLAMOALAKUM, Resp.Imaam !my family is suffering from grave disease 'Qata e Rehmi' for many parents are separatedfor 4 yrs .my elder sister ( ) old highly hates my mother because she used to advise her for bad habits like disobedience,misbehaviour and getting worried for daughter she often scolded her.but my sister thinks she.. More
Assalam alykoum My problem is the following : How should I react towards my parents in-law, they lie all the time about me and backbite me. They tell to everyone my private life and they tried to make discord between me and my wife. They teach the religion to the people but they don’t practice it ! My mother in-law doesn’t wear hijad, and she.. More
salamaleykum my question is: my hhusband older sister try to tell me what my husband can and cant do, for instance she tell me what friends he cancant have where he can work where he will live she want us to move in with her actually i feel very stressed ,when i told her its his life ,and if any one make those decisions for him it should be me and.. More
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