Since I was young, I have been suffering from envy and magic because of my beauty, and I do not know how to treat this. What should I do? When there is a delay in marriage, does this indicate that I am under a spell, knowing that whenever someone proposes to me, something goes wrong or we feel a barrier between us that impedes our marriage?.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a person who calls a Muslim a Jew? The reason why I am asking such a question is because I live in Libya and speak the Amazigh language and consequently the Arab people there call us Jews... More
Is it possible that a person can evoke the spirits of the dead and communicate with them (he asks and they answer), as claimed by some 'spiritualists'?
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There are some Hadeeths indicating that whoever testifies that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allaah The Almighty, will enter Paradise; while other Hadeeths indicate that some people who testify to this will be punished. How can we reconcile these Hadeeths?.. More
Salam Alykoum Wa Rahmatu Allah AlHamdulliah I pray 5 times a day,I don't drink, and I fast Ramdan. This year I made Hajj, and became more careful about words I say. I used to listen to music a lot in the past, and it is my habit to repeat behind the singer, now that I became more aware of the words I say,some songs that I used to sing along have words.. More
if a person repents from apostasy or blasphemy, will he be forgiven byAllah and if he is in islamic state will he be still executed even after becoming a true muslim.. More