In our village, there are some people who used to own a sheep, for example, and they would slaughter it next to the mosque of our village. Then they would bring the food and invite the people of the village to have dinner or supper in the mosque. My question is: Is this slaughtering a kind of a sacrifice dedicated to other than Allaah? Will the one.. More
Human beings commit sins by the insinuations and whispers of devils while we do not see them. Consequently, the Jinn must be righteous for they see devils or because there is no one who can misguide them. Then they have to have the best kind of belief in Allaah The Almighty. So, how can they be led astray and be disbelievers?.. More
Does a hypocrite know that he is a hypocrite? How can I know that I am not a hypocrite? What are the actions that can make me a hypocrite while I am unaware of them?
May Allaah reward you... More
There is a Hadeeth narrated by Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, that reads, “Allaah The Almighty makes life three stages; the life of this world, the life of Al-Barzakh and the life of the permanent settlement (i.e. the Hereafter)?” I would like to know more about it.
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Please allow me to ask you the following question which I have been asked but I could not answer.
When someone dies, is he either tortured in the grave or on the Day of Reckoning? My question is on this part is; When the Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was taken up to the seven heavens, he saw different kinds of punishment. My question.. More
Is it possible that a trustworthy person interprets a dream that there is a magic spell and the man who is under the effect of the spell must go to a Shaykh to recite some Quran and supplications on him? If yes, I heard that some people take the name of the man affected by the spell and the name of his mother and claim that they can make a recitation.. More
Once, a young American Christian man asked me (aiming to acquire knowledge and not to challenge): “You claim that prophets are infallible while the Quran informs Muhammad in Surat Muhammad verse 19; {So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allaah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women. And Allaah.. More
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, spend from that which We have provided for you before there comes a Day in which there is no exchange and no friendship and no intercession. And the disbelievers - they are the wrongdoers.} [Quran 2:254]
Is there any contradiction between this kind of intercession that is mentioned.. More
Is there any act in Islam that a Muslim can do, whether a saying or deed, so as to enter Paradise whenever he wants, other than that of martyrdom in battle?.. More
I have read that the souls of the believers visit each other during their life in Al-Barzakh, and that those of higher ranks in Paradise will descend to visit their fellows in lower ranks as they will not be entitled to ascend to the others' high ranks. Does this apply to the encounter of the believers in lower ranks with the Prophet, sallallaahu.. More
Allaah The Almighty granted me the ability to discern people’s moods, whether they are angry or otherwise. My question is, when I searched on the internet and realized some religious concepts, I could no longer gauge people’s moods. What should I do?.. More