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Is it haram to visit any other mosque than the nearest? Are there conditions or exceptions?There are many mosques around my city, is there a distance limit to which I can visit? I dislike going to the nearest mosque either because I can't understand the Imam when he is speaking, or because the number of acquaintances that distract me or waste my time.. More
What is the ruling concerning someone who did not prayed at all for a long time bur started to pray and take religion seriously again without saying the shahada again?
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Assalamualaikum,Yesterday I was praying maghrib salah in congregation at a musallah. I had to be somewhere pretty quick after prayer ended. I was in the front row praying directly behind the Imam, and after Maghrib ended, the imam turned around to face the people who prayed behind him. i needed to pray my sunnah, but the whole musallah was full so I.. More
If someone coughs unintentionally the prayer becomes invalid; if the imam coughs i would'nt be certain if it was intentional but i have a strong feeling that the imam coughed intentionally, so i repeat the prayer to be on the safe side. Should i repeat the prayer if the imam coughs?
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Salamuhalykum WarahmatullahMy question is to ask about the ruling concerning the call to prayer after the Adzhan has already been made for the compulsory Fajr prayer, this is because the Imam of the Masjid near my residence used to practise this act by calling out people as a means of enticing them to come and pray in a very loud voice using the microphone.. More
Assalamu'alykum warohmatulloh wabarokatuh. Some people started observing solatul Magbrib before the sun sets in a masjid I was present but I didn't join them as the appointed time of the solat has not reached. But before the congregation finished the solat, the sun had set and I joined the congregation as the appointed time of the solatul maghrib has.. More
Salam Aleikum,Is it permissible to pray behind an imam who cannot stand upright except by support? He must hold the wall occasionally during the prayer to find balance and outside the salah he must use a walking stick. And are prayers valid if I pray behind Sufi groups who recite burdah qasidah?JazakAllah khayr
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Can I perform salath in a mosque, which was build on a land taken forcefully from the owner.
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AssalamualaikumIs it accepted to pray salah in congregation alongside younger brother who probably didn't reach puberty yet or should i pray next to him while leaving a gap between our bodies and with prayer mats next to each other?
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I have a grandmother who is very old and is scared all the time. She always has to have someone in the room, and it has gotten to the point where she will not sleep at night and will not let the person who stays with her (my mom) sleep either. She cries, whimpers, constantly calls outin fear, and gives constant little tasks. Now my mother has forbidden.. More
While explaining the prayer to small children learning the basics of Islam, is it wrong to say the following:
“The prayer is similar to a meeting. Allaah has decreed that we, humans, meet with Him five times every day. We need to prepare for these meetings just as we would prepare for a meeting with an important person on earth.”
Kindly clarify.
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Assalaamu alaykum. One of my non-Muslim friends asked me a very difficult question. He asked why abandoning or not performing the prayer is a crime or sin. His logic is that it is like snatching free will. He feels that a crime is something like 'harming others or doing unjust things to others only' and that it is a personal thing whether one prays.. More
I work the night shift from 10:00 pm to 10:00 am and I pray Fajr at the mosque as I stay up all night because of my work. Is my reward of the Fajr prayer equal to that of someone who works during the day time and sleeps at night then wakes up at the time of Fajr specially to offer the prayer at its due time although he works all day? Another question;.. More
I am studying in a Jewish college and it is not possible for me to pray during class times. Furthermore, the Jews do not like to see us pray in public places. As such, I pray sitting in my car at the time of the Thuhr and ‘Asr, as I would also be unable to keep my ablution if I were to leave the campus. Is this acceptable from a sharia perspective?
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Respected scholars, assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My question is regarding the numbers of Rak'ahs (units of prayer) of the obligatory prayers. Some stories about thisare very common in India like, for example, it is said about the 'Asr prayer that it is because Yunus, peace be upon him, offered four Rak'ahs after coming out from.. More
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