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Assalamu alaikum.Thank you for Fatwa Number 91849, which was answer to question number 2102859.You say month starts at night.That means date also changes at night?Then Magrib becomes first prayer of the month?But then middle prayer will be Fajr and not Asr as said by Allah in 2:238? Hope you will clarify. Was Salaam... More
What are the prayers of Al-Bardayn?.. More
Some people can not perform prayers because Satan incites them. One says to himself 'I have bad things while performing prayers'. What is the solution?.. More
When (Salat) prayer made compulsory? .. More
In fact I am Government sector employee where salaries are not sufficient for life survives. So, no other way to get on except bribe (Rishwath).To avoid to take that bribe I went Gulf for employment, but I have not success in that also. But I performed prayer when I was at Gulf due to as I got Halaal income. Now I am not performing prayer.. More
I try my best to make sure I always do my Salaat at work, but, there's no designated place for prayers. Sometimes I pray in the conference room when it's not occupied, however, sometimes it's occupied by employees. So I try to find any suitable place like next to my manager's office. But, people will be passing by or trying to get to the office.. More
If a married woman is working and she home and cook, cleaning and looking after kids etc. How and when she can pray Salaat? .. More
I am really worried about my routine of life in these days. I have not been able to say my Asr and Maghrib prayers due to sleeping. I do say my Fajr prayer regularly almost, but at coming back from college I cannot control myself when I am at bed. During this I try to wake up but I am no been able to do this even trying my level best. My physical.. More
My question is: What should I do to get up to perform the Salat of Fajr. I have tried many times but I am still not able to... More
1. What is the exact reward for praying all five prayers on time with all the Sunan Rawatib -and can you please tell me exactly how many Rak'ahs there are after each prayer
2. What is the reward for voluntary fasting?
3. What is the reward for learning Quran by heart?
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I know many people who have an attitude against prayer. Some say, "I'll pray when I feel ready", or "I will pray on my own intention; I don’t want anyone to tell me when I should start praying. I will feel, spiritually." - I hear the same type of reply with Hijab. How do I tell these people the importance of prayer?.. More
What is "Salat ul-Wusta" mentioned in Surah Al-Baqara? A friend says it is "Fajr" prayer since our Islamic day starts at "Maghrib" (sunset)... More
Give me a difference between al-Subh and Al-Fajr... More
In summer, time for Isha prayer is very late at night in our land. The elderly and weak persons cannot wait for so long and fall asleep. Is there any alleviation in Fiqh for such people?.. More
How many required Salat are there in Islam? I had thought there were five - Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. But on calendars with prayer times, I notice there is another prayer after Fajr - the Shuruq. Is Shuruq obligatory? Does this bring the number of obligatory Salat to six?
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