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I became Muslim about five years ago now, from the outset I have been having problems establishing my prayer. I know how to perform them and understand the concept of having Khushoo and even sometimes I felt as though the whole world and everything in it meant nothing during my prayer. Yet still even after that I become so lazy in performing them that.. More
How did the number of Raka'hs come to be? Why do we pray silently in Zuhr and Asr?.. More
When was first Salat with congregation was obligatory? In Makkah or Madina? In which Hijrah year? In time of Rasoolillah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was any congregational prayer conducted without Azan and when? Is the Azan compulsory for congregational Salat?
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After Azan, how long should I wait before I perform Salah? Is it Haram if I delay prayer for no very important reason? Another question I have is: is it Halal for me to have a photograph of someone special to me by my bedside... More
I am 20 years old and I started to pray 5 months ago. Sometimes bad thoughts come across my mind and my Iman goes down and I become depressed. This feeling happens to me most of the time. Is it normal at the early stages to feel like that?
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I am living in Ukriane, in the town [Dnepropetrovsk] we have not Masjid here and I have not friends here. I want to know when I can do [Al Salawat] every day?
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I have asked about performing prayer while sitting in my laboratory because there is no space and I can`t pray in the public places in Japan because I don`t like to make misunderstanding about Islam or Muslims. You kindly answered me that I should perform the prayer in the correct manner. I want to confirm that for Muslim sisters who don`t have place.. More
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