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Is my prayer accepted if I perform only two rak’ahs (units of prayer) for Thuhrbecause I am too tired? I think that it is better that I pray two rak’ahsonly rather than not pray at all. Is that a sin? What is the sharia view on this?
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What is the religious ruling on he who forces himself to perform prayer?
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What is the relationship between health and prayer?
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Assalaamu 'alaykum. On one website I've read that Sh. al-Albani said that the Prophet (may people and blessings of Allah be upon him) allowed a new muslim to pray only twice a day. However I can't find it any more. Could you mention this narration and explain it, if possible? .. More
I adjust the alarm clock so as to wake up to offer the Fajr prayer. However, I switch it off when it rings, what should I do? May Allaah Reward you.
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As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah.Which of the two prayers is the first one; Fajr or Thuhr? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you the best. .. More
I am 13 years old. Neither I, my father, my brother nor my older sister perform the prayer. What should I do so that Allaah Would Guide me and them to pray? Please advise. May Allaah Reward you.
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I do not maintain my prayer and I am afflicted by grief and I feel that I am sick at heart. What should I do?
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What is the benefit of the mark of prostration? Would you please mention some Hadeeths. May Allaah Reward you.
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I am a young man and give much charity out of my modest wealth. But I strive against myself in order to regularly observe the prayer as I find real difficulty in this regard. Also, I sometimes smoke using a hookah. So I feel despair that Allaah The Almighty does not accept my charity. Please advise. Thank you. .. More
assalmwalekum, i have black mark in my forehead due to sajda. i heard that this is not good as mentioned in some hadeeths. kindly tell me is it good to have mark on forehead or not. I keep clothes beneath my forehead to reduce the mark. however this mark is present. .. More
I do not pray regularly. I feel extremely upset when I abandon prayers. What should I do to adhere to performing prayers? Please note that there are many influences and distractions including media and satellite channels... More
in which hijri salath started?.. More
which was the first namaz performed by Mohammed (May peace be upon him) from fazr, dhor, asar,magrib & iasha? Why was Mohammed (May peace be upon him) was given nabuwat at the age of fourty as comapred to other prophets?.. More
As-salaamu alaykum A sister that I know can't pray at her grandmothers house and that's where she lives what's the best thing she can do so can maintane to be a good muslimah but is not able to make salat where she lives can you tell me insha-allah a.s.a.p.. More
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