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Assalam ualaykum Is it true according to Holy Quran and authenticated Hadiths that reciting soorah Baqarah helps in solving the problems even bigger than Ohud Mountain? .. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 3 (grandson (from the son)) Number 3 -Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit : (A daughter) Number 1 (A granddaughter (from the son)) Number 6.. More
Salam alaikum, I have read this and wanted to ask if you can tell me if that is correct or bid'ah: - Who reads the last ten verses of Surah Al-Imran on any night or part of the night, will receive the reward of performing his Salaat for the whole night. -A person who recites three times in the morning the last three ayats of Suratul Hashr then Allah.. More
assalamu alaikum, According to hadiths, Quran was revelead in seven different recitations. I learnt that more than 7 different recitations like hafs, warsh etc. are being agreed upon by ulemas to be acceptable recitations of the Quran. Why is this contradiction? Please explain.. More
Kindly elaborate on the meaning of the pillar of light which is given to the Muslim who reads Surat Al-Kahf on Friday... More
What is the ruling on treatment using the Quran? What are the Sharee‘ah-approved ways of treatment with the Quraan? What is the ruling on establishing clinics for such treatment?.. More
Question regaridng the situation of the revelation of the verse 33:35 A woman companion once told the Prophet (sallahu alaihi wassalam) that in the Qur'an only men were mentioned and women were often deprived of any importance..Then the above ayah was revealed.. Who was this lady ? ------------------------ according to ibn katheer's tafsir it was.. More
Is the following Hadeeth Saheeh (Authentic): “If you recite Soorat Al-Faatihah and the verse of Al-Kursi at home in the morning, you would be protected against the evil eye of man and Jinn, meaning envy.”?.. More
When books say to read the last Ayaats of Sura Baqarah, is it 2 Ayahs? Or is it 3 Ayaahs? Or does it depend on the Hadith and situation? Do scholars differ in their opinion?
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While reciting Ayatul Kursi (2:255), is it optional to read verses 256 and 257 (whether a person is reciting in general, or reciting in a special Salaah)? Or does it depend on the Hadith and situation? Do scholars differ in their opinion?.. More
As Salaam Alaykum, Ibn Abbas has reported that a deputation of the Christians of Najran along with seven priests visited the Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi wa Sallam), and they said: "O Muhammad, tell us what is your Lord like and of what substance He is made."The Holy Prophet (Sallalaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) replied: "My Lord is not made from any substance:.. More
Salaamu Alaykum, Shiekh, I was watching an Question & Answer session on T.v. conducted by Dr.Zakir Naik where he said that : "A Christian man came to Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and said what is ALLAH (Almighty)? The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was quiet for some moment and then Jibreel (As) ascended with revelation concerning.. More
Asslamo alaikum! my question is that is their any hadith in which it is mention that, the last three ayats of surah Muminoon can be recite for shifa (health healing). Jazakullah khair.. More
As Salaamu Alaykum, Sheikh
In my class one of my friend has told me that he recites Surah-Al-Jumaah every Friday as customary and not Surah-Al-Kahf due to it's length.
Is he doing right by reciting Surah-Al-Jumaah every week as a Habit?
Also, my another (Christian) friend is earnestly telling me to shave my beard as the hairs growing on my face are.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
Is it ok to listen to Surat Al-Kahf (on Fridays) then always reading it?
Jazak Allah khair.. More
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