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What is the chapter on which the Prophet
said: "A chapter has been revealed to me tonight, and it is better than the whole world and whatever it contains.”.. More
What is the excellence of reciting the two last verses of Al-Baqarah (chapter two) of the Quran? .. More
What are the values in chapter An-Noor [Quran 24]? .. More
What is the chapter of the Quran which is named the chapter of angels? .. More
What are the names of approved Quranic recitations in publishing the book of the Quran? .. More
Is it permissible for me to memorize the Quran with the recitation from Qaaloon, taking into account that I am Egyptian and I memorize according to the recitation of Hafs. Until now, I finished chapter two only, so hall I continue memorizing according to the narration from Qaaloon?.. More
What is the chapter of the Quran which is called by ‘the small An-Nisaa’? .. More
There is a great verse in the Quran, whoever reads it after each obligatory prayer, there is nothing which prevents him from entering Paradise except death. What is this verse? .. More
How come ten modes of recitation of the Qur'an are commonly publicized today whereas only seven (those from 'Aasim, Naafi, Ibn Katheer, Ibn Aamir, Aboo Amr, Hamzah and Al-Kisaa'iyy) were taught by the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam? .. More
How could the Quran came here on earth? And who teach them to read the Quran. .. More
If it is possible please tell me that for what Surah Ar-Rahman is. I asked many people but they send me it Tarjuma. But still I couldn't get it as for example Surah (Waqaha) people say that if you read this Surah after Maghrib prayer you will be never poor. So, my question is that I have a problem so someone told me to read Surah Ar-Rahman. When.. More
Verse: 94 of Surah Nisaa, Hafs reads "Fatabaiyanu" and Khalaf from Hamzah reads "Fatasabbatu". Please confirm it... More
If a recording of Surah Al-Baqarah is played in the home, will it have the same effect if recited by a live person, i.e. will it keep the Satan away from your home for 3 days? .. More
I have a very, very important question. I need a lot of knowledge about this aspect of our QUR'AN. I have heard that each "Surat" of the Quran has a use. I have heard of people who can use a "Surat" in the Qur'an to cure someone for example. I have also heard that SHEIKHS can recite parts of the Qur'an to remove the "Shaitan" from somebody,.. More
What is the name of the Surah that came to the prophet when he was riding on his camel?.. More
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