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My question is "if you read Surah Al Ikhlas 3 times would you get the same reward of all the Quran because the prophet said "if you read Ikhlas 3 times is like reading all the Quran"... More
Which SurahisCalled (sanam al-Quran )?.. More
I am childless and I want to have children. Are there Surahs that I can recite to help me with this problem?.. More
Could you please tell me what was the very first verse to be written down with evidence?.. More
A Jewish man said to Umar bin Al Kattab, (O leader of the believers, there is a verse in your book, which is read by all of you (Muslims), and had it been revealed to us, we would have taken that day (on which it was revealed) as a celebration. What is the ayah to which he is referring?.. More
Prophet Muhammad said “Surah Hud and its sisters turned my hair gray”. What are the sisters of Surah Hud?.. More
What is the Surah or Ayah that is protection from Al Dajjal?.. More
Are there any Saheeh Ahadith which says to recite Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Naas after every Prayer? And to recite these 3 Surahs 3 times each after completing Fajr and Magrib prayers?.. More
Why is Surah An-nas, Surah Al-falaq and Surah Ikhlas important?.. More
What was the last chapter (Surah) and verse of the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) before his death that when his companions heard it they cried? What is the last revealed chapter (Surah) of the Qur'an?.. More
I have read in a book that you are suppose to read these Surahs every night I was just wondering whether it is authentic here are the Surahs and what I read Surah Hashr last three Ayahs - 70, 000 angels will plead for him morning till evening then the same from evening till morning and if he dies in this state he will be a martyr. Surah Rahman- don't.. More
What was the last Qur'anic verse received by Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) through Jibreel?.. More
Please explain how many ways are famous in writing the Qur'anic (Rassem) script? I know Naskh, Nastailiq, Kufi etc., but I don't know the detail. What are the names of Qira'at of Qur'an? For instance one is that of Qari Abdul Basit and other by Husri and the third by Sudais.Please explain by giving the names and their originators... More
What is the reason for the descend of Surah at-Tahrim?
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I'm involved in introducing Islam to non-Muslims. I would like you ,please, to tell me the best way to explain the reason behind different ways of reciting the Holy Qur'an(Qir'aat). I believe the Qur'an is one and that it has been preserved by God and it cannot be tampered with. However, I'd like to know the best way to explain this to non-Muslims,.. More
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