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Is it true that we have to recite Surah Yaasin near a person who is in sakrat. This is so, because this surah will alleviate his difficulties.. More
Asalamu aleykum wwb
why qiraa`a Hafs from 'Aasim is the most common.
jazakalahul kheyr.. More
this is not a fatwa q. i want to know which aya concerning hijab was revealed first: the ayah in surat alnoor(31) or al-ahzab(59). and what is the resource(book) that would enable me to find out this information on my own concerning other ayat. plz send the answer to my email. jazakum allah khair.. More
Asslam O Alaikum, I have heard that if you read Ayatul Kursi everyday, nothing can harm you? Is that True? If that is true then why learn martial arts or anything like that? People say do your part and put the rest trust in Allah (SWT), but I still don't understand this, because i would be wasting my time learning martial arts if I know that if I read.. More
tl me a surah in quran 2 recite daily tfor sorrow.. More
Some people adduce the vocalization of the Mus-haf to support the opinion that there is a good religious innovation. How can we refute this allegation?.. More
Why is Surah Yaseen referred to as the ''Heart of the Quran''... More
clearify the presumed contradiction statement that quraan was revealed at once in the night of power in the month of ramdaan, in another context the quraan was revealed in sections to prophet (p)... More
Assalamu Oalakum. Is there any Surah has the power to cure a person who is severely suffering from Cancer, AIDS & other vulnerable diseases ? .. More
assalamualaikum brother please help me how to answwer these questions:,how many names of sourah fa'tihat?why it is named?what are importance of sourah fa'tihat? what is the reason behind why it is revealed?.. More
what is the asbab al nuzul of verse 162 of surah al-anam.. More
Dear Shaikh, Could you please tell me on what occasion were the below Aayaat revealed : “Say: ‘Was it at Allaah, and His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and His Messenger that you were mocking?’ Make no excuse; YOU DISBELIEVED AFTER YOU HAD BELIEVED.” [al-Tawbah 9:65-66] Jazaak Allaahu Khairan.. More
Under what circumstance was the below Aayah revealed ? [Nisa 4:65] So O dear Prophet (Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), by oath of your Lord, they will not be Muslims until they appoint you a judge for the disputes between them - and then whatever you have decided, they should not find opposition to it within their hearts, and accept it wholehearte.. More
asalamualaikum how did the companion of prophet muhammad known if his teaching is the speech of the holy quran or his hadith?.. More
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