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asalam alakkum can we keep our girl baby name hoorulain and that affect her character
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Assalamu Alykum Waramatullahi Wabarakatu,please can i name my son "UMAR FARUQ"i i love that name.
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Alsalam Alaikum Someone told me the girls name Rabab is haram because it means lordship. And they used ayah 39 from surat Yusuf as proof when he said a'arbab. And this person also said the name mana' is haram because Allah uses this word in the quran in a negative way, surat Al-Qalam ayah 12, "mana' lil khayr". Are these names wrong and what should.. More
Asalam alaikum, Pleasr let me know if it is acceptable to name a baby girl Dua'a. I have been told it is not by a relative, however i can not see where this name would not be acceptable. Please clarify. Jzk
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What is the meaning of Muhammad? .. More
My name is daniaal javid my nicknames such as a danny javid or danny i have no problems with but according to wikipedia my name javid means eternal am i sinning or is my name okay javid is my furthers first name
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Assalamoualaikum WRWB...My wife has delivered a baby boy on 27th of ramadhan and we decided to keep a best name, finally we gave adhan and called him "AFFAN AHAMED" 3 times slowly in his right ear after that we started calling him as "AFFAN".On surfing i found "AFFAN" as devoted,religious,pious is this true...? Secondly AFFAN is the father's name of.. More
Is it permissible to name a baby boy 'Noah' with the common English spelling and pronunciation? Or must it be 'Nooh' or 'Nuh' to correspond to the Arabic pronunciation? .. More
My name Shehzar means king of wealth. Is it a good nqme for a muslim? .. More
Assalamualaikum my question is regarding name. I named my son Shareed, the name was found by my dad in Riyazus saliheen which had reference to Abu Dawood. I would like to know the meaning of this name and is it permissible to name the child with this name. The reference to the hadees where the name is mentioned is-chapter no.5 and hadees no. 824 .. More
Salam. Can i name my daughter "Maisarah"? Or is the name just exclusively meant/more suitable for boys? Kindly advise. Thnx. .. More
As salamalekum The name of a person is Ateeq Mohammed khan and if he writes it in a short form Ateeq Mohd. khan . Is it wrong? Bcoz I have heard one should not use short form Mohd. .. More
Assalamo alikum Brother, My name is Basit Minhas and i am from Pakistan.Unfortunately my parents named me Basit Minhas without using Abdul.Now i am named Basit minhas on all my official Documents and all my family members and friends call me Basit without saying Abdul.Kindly tell me is there any sin or not because i heard that some names of Allah can.. More
Assalam Alaikum, I was just wondering if it was acceptable to name my daughter “Ayaah“ ? As some of my friends mentioned that it may not be acceptable as they haven't heard that name used for a girl before. Please advise. JZK
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Assalamualaykom... In my country it is a culture n norm for us to call our siblling not by their name. We normally address them them by brother (but in our language) ,if a brother is older than us n sister if the sister is older than us n by younger brother/younger sister if they are younger than us. This is more to show respect rather than call.. More
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