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Assalamu Alaikum Is it permissable for a person to have the name "Azeez Razak"? Since These are both Names of Allah , is it Obligatory to Have "Abdul" Before them? If so , Should it be , "Abdul Azeez Razak" or "Abdul Azeez Abdul Razak"? Which one is correct? Would it be a sin to have a name with the words "Azeez Razak" and no "Abdul" in it? Please.. More
i would like to know the meaning of names, Mustafa, Ismail and Ayman. Thank you.. More
i would like to know the meaning of the names mehreen, haneen and sansabeel. can i give one of these names to my daughter. which one do u think is better islamically... More
I would like to keep my new-born son's name Abu Bakr. Is this OK to keep. Because the meaning is father of camels. But I want to keep it due to the status of this great Sahabi?.. More
My sister's son whose age is about 3 years is a very aggressive child. He is always weeping and shouting. His name is "ARHAM". Some people say that this name is not a valid name and his aggressive attitude ID due to the name. Is it possible that a name of a child has a bad effect on his personality or life? .. More
How the name of "Maryam" and what is the meaning of it? .. More
What are rest honorable components would come as gift upon naming a child as Jannti. As I heard all Jannatis will be honored the gift as follows: Hayat of 'Eesaa, may Allaah exalt his mention, face of Yusuf, may Allaah exalt his mention, Akhlaaq of Prophet Muhammad. Kindly inform me the rest. .. More
It will be greatly appreciated of you can tell me the meaning or what it means by Adham the name of our father Prophet Aadam, may Allaah exalt his mention, as far as I heard, it means black, what does it state saying black. .. More
I had a girl baby like 45 days ago. Before her coming I and my wife were almost naming her a name. (During that time my mother wanted from me to name the baby the same as her name, I would like to make bir for her and satisfy her but my wife didn't like the name and some doing of my mother).
After my babies birth, my wife insisted on a different.. More
Could you please let me know the meaning of the name Zara? My wife and I are planning to name our daughter Zara, but we are not sure of the meaning... More
God has blessed me with a son and I want to give him the name "Aaron". My question is, if Aaron is a Muslim name and what dose it means? There is another old Arabic name "Aban" or "Abaan". What dose it mean? Please tell me which one is a good name for a Muslim boy. .. More
I wanted to ask if it is ok to have the name (Sawda'). Which means sort of black, and if it is ok to change it?.. More
I have long hairs. Therefore I tie my hairs with a rubber band and offer my prayer. Is it right or not? What is the meaning of my name 'Talha'? I watch dirty pictures and websites. I have tried very hard to stop these things but unable to do so. How can I stop doing these things? Is listening to music or singing is prohibited in Islam or not? Please.. More
I am a 30 years unmarried guy, Allaahu A'lam when I will get married, but when I get married and have baby girls, I want to name then Safaa and Marwah, so that I remember Allaah even when I am calling kids. Safaa and Marwah being names of mountains, is it permissible to name these?.. More
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