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Is miral name suitable for baby girl.what is its meaningjQuery111009043818479066987_1696060010964
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Assalamu alaykum,I am writing to inquire about changing my name. My current name does not have a surname, so I would like to change my given name to either Zafir or Zarrar, and my surname to either Al-Saif or Al-Ghazi.Could you please tell me what Zarrar means? And are Al-Saif and Al-Ghazi valid surnames?Thank you for your time and consideration.
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I named my son MUHAMMAD ARHAM. But people are confusing me to change his name. Because arham means most mercifull, Most merciful is allah only. Should i change my son name? If incase i change my son name to MUHAMMAD ARQAM, I have to cofirm before i changed to muhammad arqam is correct or not? and then i want to know exact meaning of both names and is.. More
Is the name Haris a good or bad name? I have read that one of Iblis names is Haris what is the truth?
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Assalamualiakum. Recently I have blessed with a baby girl Alhamdulillah. I named her "Afna Ayamin" Is the name "Ayamin" an Islamic name or not? JazakAllah khairan.
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I am blessed with a baby boy. Can I keep his name " Muhammad Izhaan" kindly tell me the meaning of this name?
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My parents gave me the first name "Wahid." My parents also gave me the middle name "Hannaan." Are these haram names for me to have and be called by, and do I need to change my name as well as my legal documents because of it? I know that Al-Wahid is one of the Names of Allah, and some say that Al-Hannan or Al-Hanan is a Name of Allah as well, so I want.. More
ASSLAM ALAIKUM I Want to know that can i name by baby girl name zimal i found on internet that its meaning is hijab, abaya or cover kindly let me guide about this name.
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Assalaamu’ Alaykum. If someone reverts to Islam, and their last name is a family name of people who follow another religion and is known for that, like there are scholars of that religion with that name, should they switch their name. What if this is challenging because of paperwork? Are they allowed to tell others they’re a revert, or is this exposing.. More
I need to name of my baby girl starting with "R" and My Name is Md. Rashedul Amin.
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Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. The word "Diva" is used for a female celebrity but "Diva" is the Latin word for goddess. Is it allowed to use this word? Does using this word take a person outside the folds of Islam?
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is it allowed in islam to name ones baby girl, amatu salam?
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Assalam alaikum My son name is arham, in my husband home all are calling him rashiq , so i like to change his name as Mohammed Rashiq Arham is this correct please tell me.
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Assalamo alaikum,Can i give my baby girl name of 'inaya' in arabic it means 'care' and in herbew it means 'God answered'. Could you please suggest me any names which means "Gift of Allah" ?Jazakallu khairan
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Assalamualaikum, I have a question about naming my son Salah.Is it permissible in Islam? Additionally, I was unable to locate a meaning for this name; could you help provide one? Also, I read it on the internet that it is a Biblical name, not a Muslim name. Please advice.Zakallahkhair
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