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Ruling on using a baby carrier wich you wear like a backpack for women May Allah bless you
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My first child is female. As a girl's father I like to know the Hadidth about this?
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Assalaamu Alaykum One person told me that there is a hadeeth according to which if a person does not guide her wife,daughter & sister to the right path,does not enjoin them what is good & forbid what is evil and does not stop them from doing evil deeds,then on the day of resurrection they will continue to take good deeds from that person until.. More
Is it permissible for a father to forbid his son and daughter from touching each other, out of concern that it may be a cause of fitnah .. More
Does Islam allows sharing rooms (sharing closet,study table,dressing table,bathrooms attached in the room) between siblings (already adult) , for both sex, but not sleeping together in one time? .. More
Is it due upon the mother to teach her daughter, after attaining the age of puberty, the necessity of removing the armpit hair or the pubic hair, or is this required only of the married woman?
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If my children are older, do I have to punish them for not waking up to perform the Fajr (dawn) prayer on time? Best regards.
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Is a paternal uncle entitled to abuse his powerless13-year-old nephew and beat? Does this please Allaah? .. More
My child is ten and half years old; and when I awaken him for the Fajr Prayer, he prays while sleeping, particularly during prostration. Is there any blame on me or on his father? What advice can you give us? May Allah Reward you.
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I have a 3-year-old daughter whom I want to teach the true teachings of Islam. Can I bring a Shaykh to teach her? How could this be done? Is she still too young to learn? What is the appropriate time to teach her?
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My son is seven years old. Should I wake him up for the Fajr prayer given that he suffers from urinary incontinence and bedwetting? I supplicate Allaah The Exalted to Grant me and my son recovery. He has a weak memory and cannot memorize the Quran or the supplications well. We strive to get him to memorize them but it is difficult. What is the optimal.. More
Request guidance for parents responsibilities towards a child. A very wealthy God fearing couple very punctual with namaz & rozas have adopted a girl child from wife's sister since birth girl is now 16 years. They are lavishing her with expensive gifts & comforts. The child is treated more or less like a pet as they both travel extensively leaving.. More
Assalaamu 'alaykum, what is the verdict on toy cars for children like ambulances. I don't know how i should explain it exactly but on ambulances there are a symbols of a cross. I hope you know what i mean. I don't know if this cross symbol is of a christian background but i think it is quite possible. I think many people of the west would associate.. More
I am a woman who loves her family very much. Is my exaggerated love for them considered a sin? If I enter Paradise, will my husband and children be with me? I do not work for the sake of my children. Have I committed a sin by not working?
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Could you please inform me of the ruling on dressing a little boy in shorts that are above or below the knee, given that such clothes do not correspond with the Islamic dress code according to the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition); they are imported clothing from non-Muslim countries. Is it permissible for the mother to disobey the father if he does not.. More
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