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I live in a non-Muslim country and have a three-year old boy. I want to send him to school, but the one that is next to us is inside a church. Is it permissible for me to send him there?.. More
i just wanted to know what if mother of a son after his marriage ask the man & his wife to sleep in the same room & on the bed with his son. what is the ruling of islam on this?.. More
I'm participating in the Eid Party of the mosque at my place and i have to make a play for children regarding mobile phones. My question is: is it good or bad to give a mobile phone to children under 12? What are the implications of mobile phone regarding its usage by muslim children?
Jazakallah for replying.
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My daughter is 9 years old and alhamdulillah she offers 4 time salah except the fazr salah.I want to know whether it is obligatory on her and on us as a parent to awake her on the morning to offer the salah as she is also heavily loaded with the studies ?
Also please let us know from the Quran and sunnah regarding the best possible age of male and.. More
salaamalaykum , i wanted to know with a reference from the quran and hadith that if a person has been a fornicator/masturbator all his life and then when he is gifted with a child , then does his evil acts inherit in his newborn children. reply asap.. More
Sometimes in reprimanding my children I reminded all the favors and sacrifices that I had made for them. Is ok in syariah to do so?.. More
How to answer to a 7 years old the hijab for women not for man?.. More
Is it permissible to encourage children aged seven and eleven to perform prayers by giving them money, for I have found such a method fruitful?.. More
Salam Alaikom, is it ok if children 4-12 yrs old to play (games,toys) excessively all day everyday? If I wanted to make my child a Hafith/ Hafida el Quran (memorize) what can I do to help them memorize it? Can you please teach us how to teach our children to memorize the Quran step by step? At what age must we start to teach them? Jazakom Allah Khair!!.. More
Assalam Alikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakato, i live in USA and i have 2 daughters 6 and 3.I started letting them have swiming lessons for the last 2 months, their female instructor is a non-muslim and she doesn't cover her Awra( she wears the usuall swimming suits they have here).usually when it's time for the swimming classes only the kids and the instructors.. More
The cultivation of children starts at a very early age. Some scholars, may Allah have mercy upon them, are even of the view that this starts before the children are born, like feeding and clothing the wife with what is lawful, as this has an impact on the child. Are there any other matters that are legislated by Allah for the cultivation of the child.. More
If a child is born to Muslim parents, are they obliged to teach him the two testimonies of faith when he reaches the age of puberty? .. More
If one is playing with his young children and tells them: "Now, if I catch one of you, I will eat him.", and he caught one of them and did not eat him, is this a lie, and are we sinful for saying so? However, he did not intend the real meaning of the word. .. More
I have a fifteen year-old boy, how should I explain to him puberty and the age of adolescence? .. More
I have a son who may become pubescent at any time, so what is the correct way for me to discuss with him about puberty as I am embarrassed to do so? .. More
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