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Can a baby boy touch a baby girl? .. More
My son is 5.5 months old. My sister-in-law always kisses him on his lips. I do not forbid her as I fear she will do it more frequently if I forbid her. So is it permissible to kiss on lip as I myself do not kiss on lip inspite of being mother because I think it one's wife right?.. More
How can I keep my kids out of trouble and sins during the vacation according to the Quran? .. More
My wife is working and daily before she leaves for work, she normally go to our baby and bid her bye for now and say until I come back...before the baby doesn't used to cry or get upset. But now she is ten months old and she just started crying this morning when the mum was bidding the baby bye for now. Our question here is: knowing that nothing.. More
Is it allowed to a Muslim child to call his/her parents as 'Mama' and 'Papa'? .. More
I am a non-Muslim woman planning to marry a Muslim man. However, we are having a dispute over plans for children. Is it set in the Muslim religion that the children have to be in the Muslim religion, or can they be raised in under the Catholic beliefs? .. More
My daughter is almost 2 years of age. Please advise me on how to discipline her when she is being aggressive and hitting me, etc. I do shout at her but always regret it afterwards. My husband always lets her have her own way which makes it hard for me. I am a second wife and on the days he is not here, Mash Allah, she is ok, but when he is here.. More
Hadith about men cooking, helping with "women's work",
Someone wants to teach their son how to cook, but the Dad says it's only for the daughter to learn and help her mom. So the boys get to sit back and be served while the girl does all the work? Then he will never learn how to help his future wife. What does Islam say?
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I am doing a project on different cultures celebrating a child in their culture turning 16.years old. How does your culture celebrate a child turning 16 and going into adulthood? Are there any traditions?.. More
I need a little advice - I have now a little son of 16 months. What kind of activities or games except learning the Holy Qur'an might be allowed for the children in the age of 2 years and higher? Is drawing, origami or educational videos alphabet in a playful way Haram? Thank You. .. More
What are the Islamic rulings on hitting kids in the face? Is it considered Haram? What are the rulings on discipline of our children in Islam? .. More
In Islam should parents choose their children's careers? Or should the children choose for themselves?
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How can we make our children interested in religion? We found that they are more interested in playing only. Any Du'a for making our children pious and good.
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What is the Islamic opinion about physical punishment for children?
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Is it permissible for my child to see me naked?
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