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3578 fatwas

  • Crossing legs in Islam

    Is crossing legs while sitting, sleeping or in front of elders acceptable in Islam? .. More

  • Intruded in a neighbor's home when no one was there

    I went in my neighbor house while no one was there and I didn't take anything I just went in for a night while in the girls bedroom and looked at there stuff but I never took anything and if I did Tawba will Allaah forgive me or how can i have this scene deleted. .. More

  • When backbiting is permissible

    What exactly is backbiting? For example, if husband and wife is having a problem unless we discuss it with other members of the family how can we solve the problem? Or if servant is creating a problem also we may have to discuss it to find a solution; not to make fun etc. So does this discussion fall under the category of backbiting? For the.. More

  • Trying to cope with cancer and faith

    I am writing in today because I have just been diagnosed with cancer and I am having a hard time coping. I try to be a good Muslim and as a matter of fact I have recently become stronger in faith than ever before. The problem is that once I received word that I was ill, I started asking "why me" and everyone around me keeps yelling at me saying.. More

  • Suspicious of her husband

    I have a deep fear that my husband may have been cheating on me while I was away. I found something that indicates so. But he acts normal, and says nothing happened. I will be devastated if he has done something. But how do I know if he is telling me the truth? I desperately need to know. I don't want to falsely blame him and cause stress in.. More

  • Cannot understand God's actions

    I just don't understand life at all, when you pray and be really good why things happen for those good people? My question is about my mom who used to pray most of her day and talk about Allaah all the time always telling as how God is merciful and how we always have to thank God whatever he give as. I am really having a hard time believing in.. More

  • Failure of husband to satisfy his wife sexually

    There is a Saheeh Hadeeth that says if the husband calls the wife to bed and she doesn't oblige, then there would be an angel who curses her and so on, but what if it is the husband who doesn't oblige then? Is there any Hadeeth on that? And what would she be advised to do to ease her problem according to the Shariah? .. More

  • Women watching men playing sports

    Muslims are deriving so many Fatwas from the Hadeeth which says 'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, watched Abyssinian people playing with spears on 'Eed. Was not 'Aa'ishah only 9 years-old at that time? That means before puberty? So how can this Hadeeth be used to say that we can watch sports etc. In fact in almost all the sports men.. More

  • Disobedience to parents

    I have heard that a person who doesn't obey his parents will not enter Paradise. Can you refer the Hadith or Qur'an Ayah related to this... More

  • Abusive behavior while arguing

    Is it permissible for a husband to use abusive words to his wife and to hit her in the course of an argument? Say the wife argues, is it permitted for the husband to call her a prostitute, whore, etc., and to curse her non-Muslim parents for how they raised her? Is it permissible for him to do all of this in front of their children who.. More

  • Holding hands with spouse in public

    Is it permissible to hold hands with your spouse in public? I will appreciate if you reply me as soon as possible. .. More

  • Wants to gain Islamic knowledge but finds difficulty from Muslim lands

    I would like to for you to please assist me in understanding why Muslims in the Arab states make it difficult to migrate there for the sake of Islam. I am a revert to Islam living in South Africa, since my being Muslim I have encountered many things that have made it very difficult for to study Islam in South Africa. I then cam across a Hadeeth.. More

  • Refuses to watch non-Islamic TV shows with her husband

    My husband wants me to see television with him and to see all the programs and film but not the Islamic ones. I refused and told him I'm trying to improve myself to be a real good Muslim woman and I set in another room reading, or doing any useful matter. Am I guilty towards him and what should I do not to make him angry from me?.. More

  • A woman conceals her adultery from her husband

    This question is regarding Fatwa: 6301. Is it not the husband's right to know that a woman has committed adultery, for if she does not seek forgiveness from him, surely Allaah is all just, and meaning on the Day of Judgement He would know and take from her good deeds? And of course then he would know anyway? Does it mean if she don't tell her husband.. More

  • Swearing to a lie by Allaah

    I have a wife but I committed a sin by swearing in the name of Allaah to another woman that I am not married to her and she is not carrying my child. I knew this is a big sin. What should I do now?.. More