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3574 fatwas

  • Taking revenge for something said

    Is it Halaal to get revenge right? Like this guy keeps saying stuff to my sister and I want to get him back because my sister won't get him so I can get him... More

  • Masturbates fearing to commit Zina

    I have a friend who is married and his wife is in another country he goes there whenever he can. He has asked me regarding masturbation and I have told him is a sin and is considered Haraam in majority of scholars but I told him if one fears for committing adultery then is masturbation is better than adultery. And this I think its from Imam.. More

  • Regrets that closest secrets were divulged

    I am suffering from my past experience and need help. The story is a bit complicated. My parents are divorced since I was kid and they both have different life in different country. I was raised with my mothers' family and there I've experienced many things. These people used to hate me and made me do a lot of house work but that was o.K. often.. More

  • Acting strict against other religions

    My question is why do people act strict against other religions and why do they do that for is it because "they are jealous of them" or just to act cool in front of other people so other people can like them... More

  • His parents want to dominate his family life

    I have a couple of questions regarding relationships. I am sure this would get a bit detail so please bear with me. I recently married (8 months back) and have been blessed by Allaah who gave me such a loving wife. She is all good with me. I have maintained a very friendly relationship with her. She is the best friend of mine. And the same.. More

  • Claims that his mother is extravagant without means except her children's wealth

    My question is in regard to the right of children. Some parent hide behind some Hadeeth to exploit and abuse their children. My mother has this attitude with money and worldly things. She likes to show off by giving money and things other people like me have to give her because as she claimed it is a duty for children to give her what she.. More

  • Problems with parents in-law

    I want to ask about the relation between parents and their son with his wife. And if the son or his wife do some mistakes for his parents, and they insist that they did not do anything wrong, what we can do to solve all problems between them. .. More

  • Anxious about not being married

    I am very upset about the present state of my family. Since my father passed away, we have been going through sad calamity and detracting periods. My mom is very old now and has resigned to faith. I am very worried now that it is not easy for me to find my marriage. Marriage does not come that easy being a Muslim woman, I know I cannot go any further... More

  • Wife may be lying about not committing adultery to save their marriage

    I am a married man living in the UK my wife does not live with me in the UK but live in Sri Lanka with my children. Can my wife tell a lie to me in order to save our marriage even if she has committed adultery? I have not seen my wife for the past three years as I work in the UK, but every month I do send money to my wife to meet all the expenses... More

  • Extravagance of children

    If a person read in English medium school as well as American school through life (i.e. 1 to 12 grade) and becomes a extravagant then is it his responsibility or his parents is responsible for that? Somebody told me about a person who spends a lot of money by dialing international calls with her father's money. He said that is not her fault.. More

  • Has confused dreams after parents rejected his marriage plans

    I am loved with a girl, she to love me. She was Ahmadi by religion. I am Sunni. She left religion Ahmadi as I teach what is wrong in Ahmadi and she herself find she is wrong. She is no more Ahmadi. My parents are not ready to marry me to her as I told them. I want to marry her after that I did Istikhaara for two weeks I find nothing from Istikhaara.. More

  • Suffered poor treatment by people in Egypt

    I want your advice in the following matter please. I have been with my husband to Egypt this past summer, and there I discovered that we have no friends there. Everybody treats you nice as long as you pay them, but it seems to me that nobody cares for his Muslim brother or sister. People have stolen from us, a woman sold me 5 kilo mombar, and.. More

  • Husband wants to watch unclothed women but demands that his wife cover

    If a person sees naked women in any of the channel of T.V should he open the channel again? If someone ask him to change the channel and he scold him is it right? My husband wants me to wear Hijaab but all the time he watches Hijaab less women in the T.V also naked women but if I forbade him he misbehave with me. Alhamdulillaah, I wear Hijaab because.. More

  • Asking blessings upon the Mahdi

    Why is it that the Mahdi is called "alayhi as-salaam" even though he is not a prophet? Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmaan and 'Ali are not called "peace be upon them" but Al-Mahdi is said as I hear many times "peace be upon him"?Why is it only the Mahdi? .. More

  • Took government money for the unemployed, but worked and saved money

    I live in Canada and I told the government that I don't work to get money to live, and I started working in the same time to support my self because the money that they give not enough, so I helped my self and I saved some money to go to school and pay my tuition in the university, and when I had enough money to pay my tuition I stopped taking.. More